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Clara opted to review the program and sent out a congratulatory text to Anton, asking him to pass along her regards to his counterpart and leading lady, Evelyne. Intermissions were twenty minutes long. Typically a performer would never check their phone during a performance. To her surprise, she received a message from Anton, thanking her and inviting her down to the back of house following the final curtain call.

“David,” she whispered when he returned to his seat. “I’ve been invited backstage to meet Anton and Evelyne after the performance. You interested in meeting them?”

David chuckled. “I’m here in official capacity tonight. I was already going to meet the dancers with my mother, but I’m flattered you thought of me. I was going to ask you the same question.”

Clara flushed a bright red. “I didn’t know you would be presented to the dancers afterwards.”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t spend more time with you earlier, but I am truly enjoying the dancing. I do have something to tell you when we’re alone.” David’s eyes went to his mother.

After the final note,the audience leapt to their feet in appreciation and applauded loudly. David, his mother, and Clara watched the first four curtain calls. After, they were escorted down via private elevator to the back of the stage as the audience continued to clap.

“It looks so different back here from this angle.”

The audience relented after eight more bows,and exhausted performers cheered and congratulated each other after the curtain closed. LABT never had curtain calls like that. Clara could only imagine if she had the opportunity to dance with a crowd like tonight, how much that would elevate her dancing.

The dancers let their guards down and went from stage posture and smiles to relaxed and neutral facial expressions. The Royal Ballet artistic director personally saw to the royals meeting each member of the company. David’s mother surprised Clara, greeting a vast majority of the dancers by name.

Clara remained off to the side and waited patiently for Anton and Evelyne to make their way over to her. Evelyne Murdoch was a celebrated Scottish dancer in the Royal Ballet. She was known for her technical ability and fast footwork.Another one of my favorite dancers.Evelyne had always seemed so ethereal in roles like Giselle. Clara wondered if her personality matched her dancing.

“Clara Little in the flesh!” Anton smiled tiredly.

“It’s nice to put a name to the face. I’m Evelyne; Anton has told me many good things about you.” Evelyne exchanged greetings with Clara.I was right. She is super sweet.

“Everything was true,” Clara joked in mock seriousness. “You two were fantastic tonight. I’m so impressed with the company and caliber of dancers you have here.”

“I should return the compliments. I showed Evelyne a video of yourNutcrackerperformance we found on the internet. She was quite taken with you. How are you doing?” Anton asked, mopping his sweaty forehead.

“I’m feeling better. It’s a dancer’s fracture on the fourth and fifth metatarsals. I should be out of the cast in a few weeks. No Achilles damage, thank goodness. I need to thank you for everything you did on gala night. I don’t think I would’ve been able to make it through the entire performance.”

Evelyne popped into the conversation. “Anton here is one of the best partners we could ask for, but I do hope we might see more of you in the future. You would fit in well here.” Clara wiggled in discomfort and studied the ground at being complimented by such a star dancer.

The three conversed for a few more minutes before both performers rushed off to their dressing rooms to change and remove makeup. Could she fit in with the Royal Ballet? Clara never dared to hope she might have the opportunity someday, but for now, she was content with her own company.

David and Clarasaid their farewells to the Princess Royal. Clara was ready to change out of her evening dress and put on her leggings and oversized t-shirt pajamas. They couldn’t leave the Royal Opera House fast enough. As much as she enjoyed the evening, she was ready to spend time with David. She wondered if he felt the same way. Together they rode the elevator down into the underground parking lot.

“This was one of the most spectacular performances I can remember. It’s even better once you know the performers.”

David chimed in, asking Clara how she enjoyed the evening. “Was that really the same male dancer who danced with you? I’ll admit that I’m beginning to like ballet a little more. I’m horrible for judging what I haven’t really experienced. I do appreciate how you dancers are able to tell a story so well.” David loosened his tie once they were finally inside the car and the door closed.

“Anton? Yes! You can see how much musicality he has.Oneginis one of the ballets I’ve wanted to see for so long. I’m thankful your mother allowed me to attend with you.” Clara didn’t want the evening to end.

“Are you in the mood for some dessert to celebrate our little secret? We can swing by my place if you’re still up for it. I have some delicious coffee cake I can tempt you with.” David wrapped his arm around Clara.

“You don’t even need to ask. You had me at coffee cake. I didn’t bring any clothing or items with me. Everything is back at the Rose Suite. As much as I love being dressed up, I’d prefer my comfy clothes.” Clara snuggled into David.

“We can stop by the hotel first, so you can change,” David offered.

“What did you want to tell me when we were alone earlier?”

David’s mood shifted. Clara felt his muscles tighten his hold on her as if he felt it would protect her.

“I hoped this would be a later conversation, however, the call I took during the second intermission was from the BP Press Office. The tabloids have received photos of you and me in the Royal Box together, holding hands and you whispering into my ear,” David stated matter-of-factly.

Clara wasn’t surprised. With so many people in attendance, someone was bound to snap a photo of them together. “We knew this would happen. It’s not really a surprise is it?”

“BP doesn’t want to issue a comment on the story. Two papers are already running a story. They will do a background check on you. The papers will be contacting your friends, co-workers, basically anyone who you have ever given the time of day to. I’m sorry.” David’s voice carried so much emotion of him wanting to protect her from the invisible monster of the press.

“I have nothing to hide and everything to gain. I say bring on the press. I don’t have any social media accounts. I am pretty much a nomad outside the dance world. You might go as far as to call me the ‘boring ballerina,’” Clara joked.
