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David didn’t speak. “I love you as you are, Clara. Never change a damn thing about yourself, no matter what. We can try to get ahead of this and confirm we are dating, like we agreed earlier, if you’d like.”

Clara really didn’t care anymore. “If it’s going to leak, let’s do it on our terms. I’m new to this world. Do what you think is best. I trust you.”

The news hitthe media in the morning. Clara and David reviewed a carefully curated selection of newspapers and magazines over a lazy breakfast of waffles, strawberries, and clotted cream. Clara insisted David try one of her favorite breakfast items. David couldn’t understand why Clara slathered so much syrup on the waffles when the sweetness of the clotted cream gave them plenty of added flavor. “I have a sweet tooth,” was the only answer he received.This must be an American thing.

David hadn’t slept well. Too many thoughts weighed on his mind. How was Clara going to handle the press? Would she be able to cope once she’d returned to America? What about her security? Should he arrange to return with her?Clara had assured David she could handle the pressure. He knew better than to question Clara. She had already proven nothing could slow her down, even the injury.

David and Clara sat in his kitchen. David was full to the brim, pushing his plate away and patting his stomach. “You are welcome to cook whenever you desire. I usually order takeaway or have Eddie’s staff prepare something for me.” David licked his lips and let out a content sigh. Clara giggled. “Sure. I’m more than happy to teach you how to use a waffle iron.”

David finished his coffee and sat upright. He cleared his throat. “Let’s get this out of the way. What did you find in your selection of gossip rags?” he inquired.

Clara’s expression fell. “Besides some gorgeous photos of you, there were a couple blurry photos of us in the Royal Box. I think I saw my company headshot from the LABT website. Other than that I’m the ‘ambitious American ballerina’ who is looking to attach herself to British royalty for a shot at the crown.”

David closed his eyes and fought the oncoming tension headache from stress and lack of sleep. He reopened them and pushed away his pile of papers. “We are lucky. The press is not all terrible. That doesn’t mean the storm hasn’t hit yet. By the end of the day, we should brace ourselves for someone to have given a soundbite. The papers will pay large amounts of sterling for any information on you.”

Clara got up and hobbled over to David, sitting on his lap. She massaged his shoulders. “Mmh, that feels so good, Clar-Bear.” David paused. “I have been reviewing various situations in my head and believe we should have BP issue a statement confirming our relationship once you’re in America. I’d rather get that out in the open. You will be followed everywhere you go as soon as the release becomes public. At least I can know you are safe. The press this morning will seem like child’s play. I know you are leaving in four days’ time. I was wondering if you’d like to escape to Paris.”

Clara stopped what she was doing, alert as soon as the word Paris left David’s mouth. “Changing subjects are we? Paris? As in Paris, France?”

David enjoyed seeing Clara every time she experienced the joy of something new. The enthusiasm was contagious.

“Yes. Paris, France. There is one caveat, however, as much as I would love to be able to take you over to Paris myself, I must be available for the launch of Whaleeds next week. I have a few last moment details to iron out,” David lamented. “I’d much rather be with you!”

Clara processed the information. She was secretly disappointed. “Just to clarify, you aren’t sending me to Paris because you’re concerned about your family and us, are you? Because that’s exactly what this sounds like.”

David grumbled at himself. “I’ve mucked this up again. My intentions were to give you one last experience of anonymity. I’ve left all of the details to your friend, Amanda Collins, whom you always refer to as ‘your other half.’”

David was cut off by Clara’s lips smacking into his. His eyes were wide open and body stiff. He relaxed into Clara, who still sat on his lap. His lips tasted salty and sweet; they roamed from her lips to her neck. Clara may have initiated the kiss, but he wanted to worship her. He took his time exploring her neck.

Clara broke it off a few minutes later. “Thank you,” she cooed and moved back over to her chair.

What just happened?David shook his head at the newness of having a woman who he loved so much. Clara played innocent and raised her eyebrow at him as he drank his coffee.What this woman does to me.He wanted to go in for another round of kissing. David fought at his self-control. They needed to work out a few more details while he could still clearly focus. He was the luckiest bloke in the world.

“Clara, just a few more small things to go over, I promise, then we can do something more amusing. We need to discuss your security arrangements. As much as I don’t ever want you to leave me, I understand you need to return to America. We need to discuss what our plans might be going forward.”

Clara deflated. “You keep bringing up my going home. David, things always have a way of working themselves out. Ultimately, I’m more than happy to move to London. This is brand new for me too. I need to figure out what my dancing career is going to look like among other loose ends.”

“Clar-Bear, you don’t ever need to stop dancing. You can dance for Royal Ballet and…” David was cut off by Clara.

Clara’s demeanor hardened. “No. I won’t take any handouts. Everything will come from my hard work and be offered to me because I earn it. Not because of who you are.”

David held up his hands. “You’re right. We have a lot to figure out. You are my one and only. I will do whatever I have to do to make this partnership work, for better or worse. We are engaged. It can be as long or short as we need it to be.”

Clara didn’t look to argue further. “Thank you.”

Clara wanting her independence and no favors made him more attracted to her than ever. David stood. “Let’s go out onto my patio for some air. We can discuss our announcement and security. The rest, we can iron out in the days to come.” David did his best to come up with a solution that would please the two of them.

“Perfect.” Clara smiled. She got up from her spot and let David carry her out into the mid-morning sunshine.



Clara had three final days to herself before she would have to depart Europe for the United States. As much as she had dreamed about having the ability to take the Eurostar train over to the continent and add Italy and a couple of other places to her list of visits, that was not an option. There would be plenty of opportunities in the future. David argued with the stubborn Clara about the necessity of ensuring she had a person with her at all times. She would not have security with her while in Paris.

Clara eventually won out after promising not to go astray from Amanda’s company. Clara’s ability to take the train alone was on the condition she checked in with David upon entering the St. Pancras Station and arriving at the Gare du Nord Station in Paris. Clara could imagine David’s frown and worried expression until she called him. What she wouldn’t give to see him one last time.

Leaving London was difficult. Two of the most magical weeks of her life had been there. Knowing it wasn’t a forever goodbye was the only way she could get herself to depart the St. George. This marked the farthest apart Clara would be from David since they met. It felt like she was missing a part of herself she never knew existed until now.I need to test this.They had said their goodbyes in private before she checked out of her hotel.
