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Mason threw Brad one of his annoyed looks but continued, “I’m serious, Charles. You haven’t been yourself lately, and I’m concerned.”

Brad interlocked his fingers behind his head and leaned back. “I know exactly what the problem is. It’s too muchwater.” He winked at me like the devilish bastard that he was.

I rubbed at my temple, an ongoing migraine about to start.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean? I’m being serious, and like always, you’re fucking around,” Mason snapped.

Brad tsked beside him. “It’s true. Tell him, big bro,” he said, shooting me a conspiratorial grin.

I let out a long sigh. Where Mason looked at the analytical aspects of things to come to a conclusion, Brad called things out exactly how he saw them.

But I wasn’t ready to expand yet when I hadn’t figured out what I was going to do about my current situation.

We shared a knowing look, one Mason wasn’t a part of.

Mason stood, crossing his arms over his chest, visibly agitated. His gaze ping-ponged from Brad to me and back again. “Listen, can someone fill me in on what’s going on?”

“Getting water”—Brad cleared his throat in an exaggerated effect—“means banging the nanny.”

Mason reeled back. “What?”

“I’m not banging the nanny,” I insisted.

Brad pointed his hand like a gun. “But you want to, don’t you?”

I groaned.

“Don’t deny it, Charles. I’ve seen how you are with her, and I caught you … in Mary’s bed.”

“You had sex on Mary’s bed?” Mason jerked back, and his face scrunched up, disgusted. His voice hitched up, hitting a high soprano note. “Mary’s bed?”

“No, Mason,” I grumbled. “And I have not had sex with Becky.”

Brad leaned in, getting in my face, his words firm, sure. “But you want to.”

We were locked in this staring contest. I was never one to give in. Even when we had been younger, I had been the stronger one of the three of them, born bigger, born first, more reserved but the one with the most restraint.

But I was at a loss this time, so I dropped my gaze to the table and let out a long sigh. “I like her. Yes.” It wasn’t a direct answer to his question, but if I had my way, hopefully, it would eventually lead that way. I dropped my head in my hands, running my fingers through my hair over and over again.

Mason gawked at me. “You can’t. You know nothing about her.”

“Dumbass,” Brad scoffed. “You don’t have to be dating someone forever to know that you’re in love with them. Just because you and Janice are like that doesn’t mean that’s how every relationship works.”

“It’s not love,” I said, shooting my head up.

How could it be? We hadn’t known each other all that long. With Nat, I’d known her for years before I knew I was in love with her.

My brothers completely ignored me.

“Says the guy who can’t hold a relationship,” Mason shot back.

“This is all premature. This might not even go anywhere,” I said, mostly talking to myself.

“Or this might go on everywhere. My room is off-limits though, ’kay?” Brad smirked.

“For once, can you be serious? We don’t even know her,” Mason repeated.

“There’s noweintheirequation. And that’s an easy fix, Charles.” Brad leveled me with a stare. “Get to know her.” He stood. “I have to get lunch. My stomach is eating its lining, and I don’t do well without food.” He placed a heavy hand on my shoulder and squeezed. “This is good for you, Charles. More than that, Becky is good for you. Trust me.” And then the devilish bastard winked once more before he walked out with Mason who hadn’t said a word.
