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I shut the bathroom door and leaned against it, running one shaky hand down my face.

My bladder was about to explode, but I was paralyzed in my spot because I couldn’t deny it. I liked the nanny. I knew this. I had admitted this to Natalie.

Problem was … what was I going to do about it?

No, that wasn’t the problem.

The problem was, how was I going to get her to fall for me?

Chapter 20


The moment I realized I was going to pursue Becky, everything changed. But not in a good way.

It was as though my life had been turned upside down and inside out.

That Monday morning, I’d woken up late. I’d forgotten my tie at home and a belt, too, for that matter. I’d missed an important vendor meeting at work. I had been spacing out when people were talking to me because I couldn’t stop thinking about her.

I was a damn lovesick puppy again, as though I were living my high school years all over again.

I sat at the boardroom table, but everyone else had already cleared out. Monday mornings, I led our company meetings with all of the VPs and above to get an update on what everyone was doing. My job was to give them an overview from an upper-management perspective on our projections and upcoming projects we had planned.

My fingers tapped on my knee, then on my untouched coffee, and then tip-tapped on the long mahogany table that took up the room. Problem was, I liked her, and I didn’t know what I was going to do about it.

Like the CEO I was, I started listing all the pros and cons of dating her in my head.

The major con was that if we didn’t work out, it wouldn’t be the same in the household, and I’d have to terminate her employment. Because how could we possibly go from seriously dating to her just going back to her regular job as the nanny? We couldn’t.

I wasn’t going to pretend that was even an option.

Also, the kids. I’d never even thought I’d be contemplating this—dating again.

How will I break it to them? How will they take it?

And will she want to date me? Am I even her type?

A knock sounded from the door, and I lifted my head from my daze.

“Hey, are you okay?” It was Mason. His eyebrows scrunched together before he walked in.

“Yeah. Why?” My voice croaked out like a teenage boy going through puberty.

“Well, you’ve been sort of out of it lately. I mean, I’ve read that, sometimes, there can be delirium because of the flu, but that’s because of the high fevers. I don’t think that usually lingers.”

I rubbed at my brow, feeling guilt wash over me. “Yeah. About that meeting … I’m sorry about that. I …” I tilted my head from side to side, feeling tension rise to my shoulders.

“Hey.” Brad walked in. “Are we going to lunch?”

He took it upon himself to make an already-awkward situation more intense. Of course, this was his MO.

“Serious conversation?” He plopped down and reached for my coffee, taking a sip.

I glared at him.This guy.

Mason took the seat next to him, his face filling with concern. “Yeah. I was just going to say that I think you should see a doctor. You never get sick, and I think there might be lingering effects from your flu.”

Brad laughed beside him.
