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“Sydney, is he just any man to you though? Because I have a feeling … he’s not. Not by how big that smile was when you walked into the room.”



I paced the room,wearing a hole in my carpet. I ran my hands through my hair for about the millionth time, unable to sit still.

It had been a few days since I’d last seen Sydney, and besides rehab, I didn’t do anything other than obsess about her. I was afraid that Vegas and the night we’d made love had been one-time events. I knew Sydney was all up in her head and overthinking all this. She had to see that it would all be okay. That we were fucking fantastic together.

I reached for my phone again, checking for a text, a voice mail, anything. She had confirmed that she was coming over today to check on me, to bring me food.

I tried not to panic and think that now that I was getting better, maybe her visits would become less frequent. But … I’d thought after Vegas, things would be different. Good different. And they had been. But now …

Nope. Not panicking. I was not that guy. That bastard who was all in a girl’s space. Not me.

But over the last few days that I hadn’t seen her, I’d been texting her random questions just to spark conversation, to get a chance to interact with her.



I knew she was busy with new accounts at the Loverly Ad Agency. She had a life without me, which I could appreciate even though I secretly hated it.

The women I’d previously dated, their lives had all centered around me.

And maybe that was why I was obsessed with her—because she wasn’t obsessed with me. Was this a game—like once I got her hooked, I’d lose interest?

No. I’d told her I loved her, and I’d meant it. It was new to me, but that was what this felt like. Thishead in the clouds,feel like shit all the time, sucker-punched feeling.

This sucked.

And my rug was suffering.

When the doorbell buzzed, I nearly wiped out, sprinting to press the buzzer to let her up.

“Hey,” I said, all out of breath and shit.

“Hey, it’s me.”

I smiled like an idiot, and that was when I knew I was in deep shit.

I opened the door to Sydney, holding a bag of Rosenni’s, an Italian restaurant down the street. Her smile was beautiful, blinding, and it would have knocked me on my ass if my feet weren’t planted.

She stood there, hesitating, as though she wasn’t sure if she should come in. I pulled her in, intertwining our fingers, leading her toward the kitchen.

“I hope you’re hungry. I ordered three entrees ’cause I couldn’t decide,” she said, her voice oddly shy.

After taking the bag of food and placing it on the kitchen island, I pulled her against me, one hand on the middle of her back, one cupping the back of her neck. “I’m hungry, but not for food.” I bent my head toward her, kissing her fully, passionately, without restraint.

She tasted like heaven, sweetness personified. I devoured her lips, kissing her like we had at the concert, reliving that memory again in the present.

When I flicked my tongue over her mouth, she moaned, opening to let me in. Our tongues twisted and tangled, my body going fucking crazy already. I pressed her against the counter, showing her just how much I needed her.

“Austin,” she said, pulling her lips from mine.

She was breathing heavily, and I was sure she was ready. And if she wasn’t, I vowed to make her wet and wanting.

My head dropped to the crook of her neck, where I tasted her skin, licking a path to her ear. She grabbed on to my forearms, as though she were going to fall.
