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I blocked his path, placing one palm against his chest. There was no way he was walking into my room. “Why would you think your sister is here?” I kept my cool the best I could.

“Don’t fucking lie to me, man!” he spat out. “Those are her shoes by the door. Those are her running shoes. I should know. I was the one who fucking bought them for her.” He glanced around like a crazed animal. “Sydney! Get out here. Now!”

I tried stopping him, but he sidestepped me and charged toward the bedroom. I barely stopped him by shoving at his chest. I wasn’t in the mood to get in a fight today, most definitely not with Alec Loverly, two days from flying to LA. I couldn’t risk messing up my shoulder again.

“Just chill out,” I commanded.

I towered over him by a good two inches, but that didn’t prevent him from getting up in my face.

“You’re fucking my sister, aren’t you?Aren’t you?” he shouted. The smirk on his face turned sinister. “You Callaways are something else.”

He shoved at my shoulder, and I groaned. It was my left shoulder, but the reprieve gave him enough time to barrel past me and into my room.

Sydney stood there, in my boxers and a T-shirt she’d found. At least she wasn’t naked, not that her being in my room would exonerate either of us.

Alec staggered back, his face draining of color. He’d suspected that his sister was here, but now, it was confirmed.

“Alec, let me explain,” she said, her voice shaky.

She reached for him, but he slapped her hand away.

“How could you do this?” His face reddened as he took two slow steps backward, as though he didn’t recognize her.

“It just happened.” Her voice was breathless and desperate, and I hated that she had to explain her side of things when we were never doing anything wrong. “I never meant for us to happen, but we just did.”

“You’re fucking him?” His glare and the tightness in his eyes heightened. “Really? After everything that happened?”

Tears formed in her eyes and fell down her cheeks. I wanted to speak up, but I knew it would be better not to at the moment.

“Please, please, please hear me out.” She swiped at her cheeks, her face crumpling, and it gutted me.

“Listen … let’s just all calm down,” I said.

But Alec ignored me.

He swiveled and stomped out, but she chased after him, blocking him in the hallway. The action reminded me of Brandy more than a month ago, blocking my path to the house.

His eyes were on fire with hurt and betrayal. “There’s nothing you can say that will ever make me forgive you for this.”

“Hey!” I said above his voice. I hated that he was making her feel like this, feel like shit.

She gripped the edge of his shirt as he moved past her. “Stop. Please. I’m sorry. Don’t leave like this, Alec. You can’t leave like this.”

Her body shook with emotion, and I reached for her waist, needing to comfort her, needing her to stop crying.

“You think that he’s going to be faithful to you?” His nostrils flared, and his hands fisted at his sides. “The cheating runs in their veins. His father, him, Brandy. You’re not any different than the last girl he fucked. Nice, choosing him over me. Good luck with that.”

“Alec, watch it,” I said, defending myself and my intentions. “I would never do that to her.”

My words fell on deaf ears.

Sydney kept grabbing at him, begging him not to go like this, but he fought her off like she was just an annoying fly.

“Let go of me, Sydney. Let me the fuck go. I can’t stand you right now. Don’t fucking touch me.” He flung his hand, knocking her to her knees.

“What the fuck, Alec?” I wanted to break his bones.
