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Strong arms hugged me from behind. For a moment, I thought it was Serena, but a familiar strong pine scent had me flipping around and staring into Austin’s eyes.

My breath caught.

He cupped my face, drying my tears with the pads of his thumbs. “It’s not too late.”

“What are you doing here?” I croaked out. “You’re supposed to be on a plane.”

“I couldn’t leave.” His eyes were feverishly bright. He held on to me as though he was never going to let me go.

I blinked up at him and pulled down his hands. “Austin! The season. The team. You have to get to California. Maybe you can book another plane …”

My computer was in the car. If he booked a red-eye tonight, he’d be there tomorrow for Dr. Carringtime’s first session.

“You didn’t hear me.” His voice softened, and his eyes were firmly locked with mine. “I said, I couldn’t leave. Not when you’re here, not when you’re not with me.”

“Austin, this is all you wanted.” My heart was racing in my chest because he was here … in front of me. And I’d missed him so damn much.

His hand came to my waist, pulling me in. “All I want and need is you right here, in my arms, right now.” I read the slew of emotions swimming in his eyes—adoration, longing … and most of all, love. “So, you said a lot of things a moment ago …”

I cringed. “How much did you hear?”

“Everything.” His smile was blinding and beautiful and all the things that I loved about him. “So, you love me?”

I inched closer, swallowing up any space between us. “I do.” It felt so right, being in his arms. Like his arms had always been meant to catch me, to comfort me, to hold me close, to love me.

Someone cleared their throat, and I blinked out of my haze. I’d almost forgotten there were other people in the room.

Alec stood, glancing between the floor and both of us as he approached. I squared my shoulders, ready for his wrath. He’d given me an ultimatum, and I’d made my decision.

I no longer chose Alec.

I chose me.

With his head down, his shoulders slumped, a deep exhale fell from his lips. He rubbed at the back of his neck, unable to meet my eyes. “I’m sorry.” His voice cracked at the end. “You’re right. I should have never put that on you. Forced you to make a decision between me and him.”

When he took another step forward, I extracted myself from Austin’s hold, meeting Alec halfway.

“I’ve … been …” Alec’s eyes met mine, broken and sad and regretful. “I haven’t been fair. I am selfish.” A slow, shaky breath escaped him. “’Cause it still hurts, ya know?” He pounded one fist against his chest. “Right fucking here. But just because I’m hurt, that doesn’t mean I need to drag you into my mess. I want you to be happy, Syd. Because you deserve it. I just …” He lifted his eyes to the ceiling and blinked back tears. “I just can’t be around that right now. All the lovey dovey stuff. Because it reminds me of my life before, and it only confirms what I don’t have anymore.” His face crumpled. “You understand that, right? I want you to be happy, but I just can’t be around you two—not now.”

I pulled at his hand. It was a big step for Alec, admitting this. “I know.” I tugged him forward, wrapping my arms around this little boy turned man, who was a whole head taller than me.

His chest shook, and I comforted him like I used to. It was like breathing, soothing my baby brother.

“It’s okay, Alec. I know.”

“I love you, sis.”

He kissed my forehead before pulling back, and then he extended his hand toward Austin. Austin didn’t hesitate and shook Alec’s hand. I knew Austin wanted to pull him into one of those brotherly hugs, but he gave my brother space. After a brief tip of his chin in acknowledgment, Alec walked out the door.

Addison chased after him. She, like me, truly knew how to comfort Alec.

I watched him go, but I let him leave. He needed distance right now, and I could give him that. I felt Austin come close, the heat of his body radiating near mine. When I turned to face him, he tilted his head, assessing me like he always did, as though he was trying to read my feelings without saying a thing.

Then, it hit me. “Austin, you need to book another flight to LA. As in right now.”

A genuine smile surfaced as he stroked my cheek. “Funny how that’s the last thing on my mind in this moment and the first thing on yours. It only proves that you, Sydney Loverly, will always be you.”

My heart melted into a puddle of goo on the floor, from his words, his touch, him being here—his grand gesture.
