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“Edmund’s alcohol is special,” Daria explained, her words tripping over each other. It made her giggle. “The man can provide whatever you need.”

“Lucky Alexa,” Sona muttered, but there was no heat. She was grinning more than usual, elegance interrupted with a few hiccups. “My head is pounding. I need sleep.”

“Go sleep. Don’t attack Oscar with lust.”

“Never!” Sona declared.

The other three swayed away while Daria did so in the opposite direction, contemplating hard as she tried to remember where her room was. She crowed in delight when she found the way and walked faster, but stopped in her tracks when she spotted a figure approaching. The gait, the build, the hair…recognition flared—and in a snap, so did the outrage.

“Daria?” He sounded quizzical. He looked at her funny, so she glared.

“You are an idiot.”

The tentative smile from his lips dropped, even while he took her arms and steadied her. “What?”

“I hate you. Don’t touch me.”

An alarm came over him, then hurt passed over his features. Shock followed, but he searched her face and reluctantly let go. She felt the loss deep in her system and made a sound.


“You can’t just tease me like that and expect me to forget about it the next day. You can’t just let me watch you in the shower and get back with your girlfriend. It’s horrid. You are horrible.”

His face morphed into an emotion she couldn’t tune into, mostly because she was becoming dizzy. But it hurt to look at him and it hurt to hear his voice, as soft as it had always been when it came to her.

“You are drunk. I’m sorry.”

“I’m not having it,” she said, battling from melting into that softness. The misery she held off for so long came back double-fold until she was drowning in it. “This is over.”

“You are right—”

“I ache for you, Charlie. And I’m going to stop it. Tomorrow.”

So, in the midst of being buzzed and feeling like her whole world was falling apart, Daria let herself soar as she closed the space between them and pressed her mouth against his. Drunk kisses were so cliché, the kind that looked cute on paper but was probably messy when confusing in real life. She kept kissing him, anyway, allowing herself that taste despite knowing how much it would punch her in the face later on. She felt his astonishment. She felt him going rigid, not expecting this from her at all.

She felt the moment he responded: a slow opening of his mouth to let her in before he tilted his head. A warm hand cupped the back of her neck and slanted their lips until the clumsy kiss became something else. It engulfed her in fire and madness while his tongue slipped out, stroking for all it was worth. It weakened her knees until they were shaking, but a hand banded around her waist, keeping her in place as he kissed her harder, the fervent desire rising to consume them.

She heard his groan and felt the heat from him. She was wet, desperate, and so turned on, wanting nothing to do but climb his mountain of a body and just kiss him again and again.

Then the dizziness solidified and Daria had no choice but to let herself be consumed by another thing altogether.

Chapter 13

Charlie slept, but only because exhaustion couldn’t be put on hold for long, and his beast demanded he recharge, and sleep was the only solution. Waking up was in stages, an assessment of his body and mind cleared of everything before he latched on to the figure beside him.

Daria was fast asleep, just as she had been when he had carried her to bed last night. She was curled towards him, so vulnerable and close—a far cry from the emboldened, dazzling state of her last night as she declared her hate and kissed him in one breath. He had been helpless in that state, a spectator to someone so achingly beautiful that he could only stand there willing to drop to his knees and offer her a thousand kisses. He had been helpless in that kiss, too, her taste coming as a shock before greed took over and had him ravishing her for as long as he could. She had been…

Delicious. Mouthwatering.Something he would like to taste again. And again.

The memory had his hand fisting on a pillow before he let a breath go. He willed himself to stand and leave, but he had a feeling the silence wouldn’t last long and decided to wait it out. The prediction wasn’t wrong as a few minutes later, her sleeping figure stirred.


Lashes fluttered open. Slumberous eyes that shot electricity down his system looked up before they flew towards him, defenseless as they took him in. Then awareness crept in as she finally noted his presence, and he watched with reluctance as all the softness switched into wariness.


“Good morning.”
