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Slowly, I turned my head to see how far from the road I ended up and was greeted with the same sight that had been plaguing me the last hour, sideways snow against an inky black night sky. No lights, no movement and as I hit the button to restart the car, no power to get myself back to the gas station.

Shit.Pounding the wheel, I continued spewing every curse word I could think of in multiple languages. Worn out, I tipped my head back, resting it on the back of the seat. Feeling somewhat back in control, I went over my options. Try my cell to see if I had a signal. If that didn’t work, hike back to the gas station and beg the owner to let me sleep on the floor of the motel office.See, Nori. You got this. Every problem has a solution. I just needed to take things one step at a time. And don’t worry about freezing my ass off. I hadn’t driven too far away from —

“Ahhh!”A sharp knock on my window made me jump, but the seatbelt yanked me back. The door swung open, and Dean Jefferson leaned in.Sexy Dean Jefferson, my brother’s pitching coach. The handsome, leanly muscled coach who I may have spent more than one lonely night waiting for a glimpse of in the dugout as I watched an Outlaw game on my laptop from whatever overseas location I found myself.

Um, lord, he smelled good. A mixed scent of sandalwood, man and maybe a hint of pine, tickled my nose as I took in another deep breath.

Swiping hair out of my eyes, my fingers ran across my forehead. “Ow!” There was a lump square in the middle.

“Hold on there, easy. There’s no rush to move.” His calm voice was deeper than I expected. Goosebumps broke out on the back of neck and upper arms from his touch as he unbuckled my seatbelt. Kneeling on the floorboard, he cradled my face in his large, warm hands and gazed into my eyes. Holding back a moan at the feel of his rough skin against mine for a moment, I wondered if maybe I’d died and this was heaven?

“Your pupils aren’t dilated, but that doesn’t mean there’s no concussion. How’s your vision? Blurry?”

Snow piled up inside the car and the wind cut through my nylon jacket, but the concern in his eyes left me wishing this moment would last forever. Silly, I know. In a blink, my whole body was tuned into him. Not even my last boyfriend had ignited a reaction like Dean did.

And it wasn’t as if I hadn’t had men in my life since then, but it’d been a while since I went looking for bed partner, otherwise I counted on my vibrator. Wait, why was I thinking about all of this now?

“Let’s get you out of here. The temp is going down quick.” He helped me out of the SUV, grabbed my bag in the back seat, locked it, and stuffed the keys into my backpack.

“I have a cabin a couple miles up the road. My name’s Dean by the way. Woody, back at the gas station, can vouch for me. Anyway, you’re welcome to stay until this blows over.”

Still not sure if any of this was real, I smiled and held out my hand. “Nori. And thank you. I appreciate the rescue.”

Watching him from the corner of my eye, he helped me into the passenger side and buckled me in, then tossed my things in the back. He disappeared for a moment and my heart stuttered at the thought that he fell and knocked himself unconscious and I’d have to help him into the truck, then I’d have to drive a stick shift and I’ve never driven anything except an automatic.

A moment later, he pulled himself up into the cab, put the truck in gear, and started off up the mountain.

Jeez, maybe I’d hit my head harder than I thought. My mind wouldn’t stop rushing through different scenarios of how being alone with Dean in a snowbound cabin would play out. And in each one, they ended the same. With Dean and me on the rug. In front of a roaring fire. Making out.

“We’re here.” He put the truck in gear, pushed open his door, then stepped into snow up to his calves. He kicked a path from the truck to the porch steps before heading back to open my door.

The gesture touched me. It was something so simple yet practical. It had my heart fluttering as if he’d handed me a bouquet of roses. Shivers ran up my spine that had nothing to do with the cold and everything to do with the man who had no clue how he affected me.

“Thank you, Dean. I didn’t realize how suddenly the weather can change. Although it is magical out here, I’ll be forever grateful you stopped for me.”

Holding out a hand, his gaze landed on mine, then he smiled. I wasn’t prepared for the flurry of butterflies let loose in my abdomen at the simple brush of our hands. Wondering if I was the only one feeling this instant connection, I followed him up the steps.

“Give me a sec. I locked the door when I left.”

My gaze fell onto his very firm backside, then traveled up and over his broad shoulders encased in a thermal pullover.

Maybe being stranded with the handsome coach wouldn’t be so bad after all.



Istepped into the cabin with Nori on my heels. The day hadn’t gone as planned, but as I’ve learned from letting go of old wounds, the unexpected often proved to be the most rewarding. I wouldn’t say I believed in fate, but her smile and touch of something indefinable yet familiar settled in me and I found it uncharacteristically comforting.

Along with the over-the-top physical attraction, maybe being stranded with an attractive woman wouldn’t be so bad.



Nori crashed into my back and let loose a scream. “What was that?”

“Thunder snow,” I said. Her nails were digging into my waist, but I enjoyed having her close, so if I had to subject myself to possible blood loss, I was good with that.
