Page 36 of Wolf

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She turned around and stepped into the bathroom. She turned on the shower and waited a few seconds before hopping under the lukewarm spray.

Amara kept her eyes closed as she heard the bathroom open and close. She hoped that the spray washed away her tears. She shouldn’t be crying over this bastard. Why didn’t she learn?

From what she’d heard, her father stepped out on her mother from time to time. And after Ophelia’s death, her father embarrassed his daughters by fucking sweetbutts just barely older than Amara, right out in the open during family cookouts.

She’d seen the dark side of club life long before she even understood what it all meant. Maybe that’s why she didn’t shy away from this threesome earlier tonight.

Seeing the brothers fuck every chance they got must have numbed her somehow. After Allison’s kiss tonight, she realized she drew the line in anything involving sweetbutts. Since she clearly wasn’t even remotely interested in girls, she didn’t see any plus side to inviting a girl between her and Wolf.

The idea alone made her ears drum and her heart pound. Call her a hypocrite, but she liked the idea of Dragon or one of his other army buddies sharing her with Wolf. At least Dragon, Ace and Ranger had been new to the club. She felt like with these three, there was enough distance between them to catch any feelings.

A chill of cool air pebbled her skin as Wolf opened the frozen shower door. She recognized his woodsy scent and felt an immediate tingle in her lower abdomen. Flashbacks of what happened earlier in Dragon’s room flooded her brain.

Soft, full lips engulfed her rock hard nipple. She brought her head back under the spray, enjoying the suction of Wolf’s lips.

Forgetting about their argument would be so easy. Too easy.

She opened her eyes and found Wolf licking her areola with his eyes closed.



“Look at me.”

He stood upright and rested his hands upon her hips.

“I can handle more than you think. You of all people should know that I’ve seen my share after my father slowly turned into a monster while he still lived with me. He brought girls over all the time. He had orgies with young girls and men I considered my uncles two doors from my bedroom.”


“I would never turn my back on the club. You know I loved my father despite of everything. Demi asked me to move to Florida with her, but I couldn’t do it. Working as a veterinarian assistant, spending the rest of my life around civilians isn’t me. I love my job, but I need both sides. I’m born and raised in this club and as the Club Princess I will be an Old Lady and make my family proud.”

“I can’t give you what you need.”

“Then you’d better leave me alone. Pulling me back and forth like a rag doll gets real old, Wolf.”

“Don’t you think I don’t want you to be my Old Lady?”

She furrowed her brows. “You already called me your girl an hour ago. I don’t see the point in you not taking the next step.”

“I’m only goin’ to hurt you, Amara. Can’t you see that? It doesn’t matter that you’re the best thing that ever happened to me. It doesn’t matter how I only feel a sense of calm whenever I get to rest my eyes on yours.”

She pushed his chest, wanting to slam a bit of sense into him.

“Why not? You know what I’ve been through. You know my family. You know every little thing there is to know about me. And you still don’t want me!”

“I’ve wanted you from that first moment you were old enough to drive and you smiled at me when you drove against a pole in that stupid drive thru. The way your lips formed a perfect ‘O’ before you giggled made me crave your underage pussy ever since.”

“I’m twenty-fuckin’-one!”

“You’re still my Prez’s sister.”

“And you are a coward who doesn’t deserve me!”

He grabbed her by her throat and pushed her back against the cold tiles. “That’s exactly what I’ve been tellin’ you. I don’t deserve you. I’ll only fuck around on you and make you miserable. Just like my dad did with my mom. And just like your father did. Do you think I would ever want to hurt you like that? I fuckin’ love you!”

Her chest heaved as he slammed his fist against the tiles above her head. Little pieces of tile fell next to her bare feet.
