Page 120 of Effortless

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“You were talking about this?”

“He gave me his blessing.”

“Cash… I’m going to cry again.”

“No more crying. Even happy tears.”

“I’ll do my best,” she promises. “Love you.”

“Love you. Thank you for coming back to me.”

“Best decision I ever made was to come to Red Oak.”



I stare at the bathroom counter, at the sticks lined up, all the same result.


“Oh my gosh.”

I look again, hardly believing my eyes.

Cash and I decided to try for a baby approximately one hour after we got engaged. Our wedding was on New Year’s Day in the church Cash grew up in, with the reception at a small dining hall in Red Oak.

Neither of us wanted anything big and we also didn’t want to wait to get married.

My dad walked me down the aisle.

My mother wasn’t invited.

I’m sure she knows we got married, but according to her I chose Dad over her. We haven’t spoken in months.

For a wedding gift, Dad gave us the other piece of land he purchased. He tried to tell us he’d pay for the house as well, but Cash wouldn’t accept it. It was hard for my dad to understand at first, but I reminded him Cash isn’t with me for the money. He doesn’t think of me as a rich kid with even richer parents.

We’ll sell both our homes after the house is built but for now, we’re living in my house. Dad is staying in Cash’s while his is being built whenever he visits.

“Honey? Will you come in here?” I call to Cash who was still in bed when I came to the bathroom five minutes ago.

“You okay?”

“Yeah. Just… come here.”

He opens the door looking incredibly sexy with no shirt on, sleep pants, and sleepy eyes. His hair is a mess, and he yawns loudly, stretching his arms above his head.

“What’s up?”

I point to the counter and all sleepiness evaporates.


I nod. “Yes.”

“You’re pregnant?”

“I am. At least according to the five tests I peed on this morning.”
