Page 26 of Effortless

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“Of course, Dad.”

I watch as a visible sigh is expelled from his chest. She stands and the two embrace in an emotional hug. Robert’s eyes are rimmed with red when he steps back, wiping at his face.


Hadley’s crying, too, and she laughs through her own tears. “It’s okay, Dad. It’s been a while since we’ve hugged.”

“Too long, darling. Too long. I’m sorry doesn’t cut it but I promise to do better. I’ll talk to your mother. She’ll come around. And tell Brooklyn hello for us, please. I want to do better by her as well. Today we came here to remind you of what we thought was best for you but you were the one teaching me. Thank you for that. You’re not wrong. I’ve spent my entire life with blinders on. I grew up in a household that was not a home at all. In turn, I gave the same to you. For that, I’m sorry.”

“You did what you thought was best,” Hadley replies.

“Don’t do that. Don’t let me off the hook here. I knew better and didn’t change. You’re wiser and braver than I have ever been.”


“It’s okay, darling. I’m glad we came, even if it was an ambush on you. And for that I apologize as well. I’d like the chance to have a relationship with you when you’re ready. I won’t push and in the meantime I’ll work on myself.”

I want to suggest therapy because it helped our family after my parents’ divorce. There’s no shame in seeing a therapist but I’m not sure Robert would be open to that. I’m sure Celeste wouldn’t be. I also don’t feel like it’s my place to say anything. I stayed in the dining room because I didn’t want Hadley to feel alone as she talked to her parents, but that doesn’t mean they’re asking for my advice from a complete stranger.

“I’ll talk to you soon,” he promises. “And I’ll talk to your mother, too. She’s not thinking clearly. She loves you, you know.”

Hadley nods, as if she’s not sure how else to respond. I’m not sure what he said about Celeste loving Hadley is true or not. If she does love her, she sure has a shitty way of showing it. Maybe he’s trying to convince himself of that as well.

After a very brief hug with Dorothy, he walks out of the diner with a glance in my direction. The door closes behind him and everyone is silent until Boone says, “Damn.”

Brock snorts in response and Hadley, after a moment, bursts into hysterical laughter. Dorothy takes a seat, covering her mouth with her hand, giggling away right along with Hadley.

“Your folks seem super nice,” Boone says. “Your mom especially. Bless her heart, she’s a real peach, huh?”

That makes Hadley laugh even harder. The rest of us laughing right along with her. The situation isn’t even funny but I guess we’re all so confused by what just happened.

Cody and Brooklyn come out of the office, Brooklyn looking around at everyone laughing, not having a clue why we’re laughing. Cody starts laughing, too, asking everyone what’s so funny, not wanting to be left out of the joke.

That makes Hadley laugh even harder.

After a bit, the laughter dies down and it’s clear Brooklyn and Hadley need some privacy so they can talk.

“We’re gonna head out,” I tell Hadley, my brothers already out the door with Cody following behind them still demanding to know what was so funny.

She moves toward me and reaches out her hand, squeezing mine in hers before letting it go.

“Thank you. For being here. You didn’t have to stay but it kept me calm. I knew they wouldn’t do anything crazy, but it felt good to know someone had my back.”

“Always. You gonna be okay now?”

“Yes. Brooklyn and I have some errands to run so we’ll have some windshield time together where I can explain everything. Then we’ll get some Chinese and veg out at home and watch some movies while eating our weight in Ben & Jerry’s.”

“The cure for everything?”

She smiles widely. “Obviously. Can’t go wrong with some Chocolate Therapy or Chunky Monkey, can you?”

“I suppose not,” I murmur.

“Thanks, again. I’m sure you’re starving since you didn’t get anything to eat with all my drama.”

I shrug a shoulder not wanting to admit that I am, in fact, incredibly hungry. I was when we got here because I skipped breakfast. “It’s okay. We’ll just raid Corbin’s stash when we get back to the office.”

“How about I have Franky make something up for you guys and I’ll drop it off? Just tell me where you all work and Brooklyn and I can stop on our way out of town.”
