Page 27 of Effortless

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“That’s not necessary.”

“Don’t fight me on this. Bringing lunch over is the least I can do after you three stayed to make sure I was okay. So just tell me, what do you want?”

What do I want? That’s a loaded question.

I can think of a hundred things I want that don’t involve food right now but they all involve her.

“Keep it easy. Burgers and fries. And we all work together. Lake Electrical. It’s our business.”

“Wow. You work together? I thought you worked for your stepdad?”

A part of me wants to fist pump that she remembers what I did for a living when we met. If she remembers something little like that, maybe there are other things that were unforgettable, too. “Yup. We started the business together a few years back. I loved working for Stone but this is a better fit for me.”

“We can do that. I’ll pack up some slices of pie, too.”

“Peach,” I respond quickly.

She laughs. “I take it that’s your favorite?”

“Good guess.”

“Thanks again.”

“Thank me by giving me your number so I don’t get ghosted for weeks again. I’ll send you the address to our office after you give me your number,” I tell her, handing over my phone.

She narrows her eyes. “Sneaky man,” she mumbles, adding her contact into my phone.

I grin shamelessly. “A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.”

With a sexy eye roll, she hands my phone back.

“See ya soon, Hadley.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”

As soon as I climb in the passenger seat of Brock’s pickup, Cody leans forward from the back seat and says, “You get her digits yet? I was watching and I saw you hand your phone to her. So? Did ya? Did ya?”


“Just sayin’, I’ve had Brooklyn’s number for two weeks so I obviously have more game than you do.”

My stupid brothers laugh and heckle me the entire way to our mom’s to drop off Cody and it continues all the way to our office. They’re still giving me shit as we walk through the door and say hello to Corbin. She’s used to all of us razzing each other so she doesn’t ask what it’s about.

I walk to my office with the excuse of getting to work but really it’s so I can watch out my window for Hadley. I should have told her she didn’t need to bring food to us. It’s not as if we don’t have snacks here but I didn’t want to give up the chance to see her again.

Plans for a job we’re starting next week are spread out before me but I’m only pretending to look at them. Instead, I’m watching the window and my phone, hoping Hadley might let me know when she’s on her way.

As luck would have it, though, my plan to watch for Hadley is interrupted when Eric, one of my project managers, knocks on my open door before walking into my office.

“How was lunch?” Eric asks.

“Long story,” I tell him.

“Okaaay? That’s interesting.” His eyes move to the window and he says, “Wait. Isn’t that the new girl at the diner? Wonder what she’s doing here.”

I spring from my chair so fast it rolls back and slams into the other side of my desk.

Eric’s eyes are wide as he looks between me and the window and I watch as realization sets in. “Take it that’s a long story, too?” he asks with a chuckle.
