Page 41 of Effortless

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Trotter:Need you to get to Nashville. Call me when you’re on the road and I’ll explain. Your parents’ plane is at the Gatlinburg airport and it’s waiting for you.

Trotter and I never abuse the 9-1-1 text so I knew the second I saw it that it was a true emergency. Without thinking, I drive to the diner to pick up Brooklyn and Dorothy insisted on coming along.

On the way to the airport, I call Trotter.

“Babe,” he answers.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s your mom.”

“Is she okay?”

“She, uh…”


I look in the rearview mirror at Brooklyn who’s watching me closely then over at Dorothy.


“Okay, this is… well, this is kind of wild and I wasn’t supposed to tell you but your mom’s in jail.”

“What?!” I shout and slam on the brakes. A car behind me honks then swerves around me, throwing a finger my way.

“She kind of lost it. By the way, you didn’t tell me you had a special little visit from them.”

“Sorry, it was… unpleasant.”

“I’ll bet,” he mutters. “Anyway, your mom and dad headed to Nashville from Red Oak. Guess things got a little wild. And now she’s locked up.”

“Why do I have to go to Nashville then?”

“Because you need to bail her out.”

“Where’s Dad?”

“He’s, well, let’s just say when I mentioned things got a little wild, that was a very big understatement.”

Still driving, I shake my head, rather confused.

“I don’t understand.”

“He’s in jail, too. Well, the drunk tank, but still jail.”

I’m stunned silent. I just… this can’t be true. “My parents are both in jail. In Nashville. Because they spent a night partying too hard?”

“What?!” Brooklyn whisper shouts from the back seat.

Dorothy starts giggling, slapping her knee. “Oh, this is going to be good,” she mutters quietly.

“That’s the broad version. There’s more to the story but I think you’ll want to hear it from them.”

“How’d they even get to Nashville if the plane is still in Gatlinburg?”

“Their driver.”
