Page 47 of Effortless

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“I know. Talk later.”

We hang up as I pull into my regular parking spot at Lake Electrical. I know I’m about to be bombarded by my siblings about last night and I’m not sure I have the energy today to deal with it so I back out of my spot and pull around to the back where the shop is located, hoping I can sneak in that way.

Only a few of our guys (and one gal who is a freakingkick assmechanic) notice me when I come in. Of course they give me a weird look since I never come into work this way, but they don’t comment other than saying good morning.

Bridget, our head mechanic, calls out my name just before I walk through the back door into the office.

“What’s up?”

“Was going to come in a little later to give you an update on truck eight. Transmission’s out.”


“I can replace it. It’s gonna be expensive but less expensive than replacing the entire truck. Figured I’d let y’all know, though.”

We discuss the details of truck eight along with a few other vehicles she’s working on at the moment. I give her the go-ahead to do what she does best and head to my office.

For one blissful hour I’m left alone to my work.


Brock walks into the office, sits down in a huff, and gives me a knowing look.

“What happened?”

I sit back in my chair and let out a heavy sigh. “Not a clue. Haven’t heard from her since about four yesterday afternoon. Diner’s locked up tight and hasn’t been open.”

His eyes narrow. “Sounds like something happened.”

“No shit,” I snap.

“Don’t be an ass to me, I didn’t do anything wrong here. I meant something happened that’s not her ditching you. Have you asked Ryker if he heard anything?”

“Of course I have. Nothing from him, either.”

“The fact that the diner’s closed means she didn’t ditch you,” he repeats.

“Hoping so. But the alternative to that means there’s some family emergency or something and that doesn’t sit well, either.”


“I’ll text her again later, see if she responds. If she doesn’t, I don’t want to keep badgering her if she’s in the middle of something.”

“Let me know. I’ll tell Corbin and Boone.”


“You got it. Need the day off?”

“Hell no. I’ll go crazy at home. Might as well get some work done.”

He nods and leaves my office without another word, shutting the door behind him.

Before I get back to work, I reach for my phone and shoot off another text to Hadley.

Me:Worried, Hadley. Let me know what’s going on as soon as you can. Saw the diner’s closed.

Three little bubbles pop up and disappear again and my heart starts racing.
