Page 59 of Effortless

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“She’s beautiful,” my mother murmurs.

“Yeah, she is.”

“Where did we go wrong?”

“With what?”




“I’m exhausted,” I complain.

Mom laughs at me, still buzzing around the diner the next morning during the breakfast rush. She’s in her element here. Meanwhile, I am not cut out for this.

Last night Hadley and I texted back and forth. She wanted to know how things were going at the diner and I wanted to know how both she and Dorothy were doing.

It sounds like she got her parents picked up and they flew out of Nashville last night, heading home to Chicago. She didn’t give me more details than that, and I didn’t push. I figure she’ll tell me when, and if, she wants to.

As of last night, they thought Dorothy would be released first thing tomorrow morning. She gave me a list of a few things she and Brooklyn needed as well as Dorothy so I’m swinging by their houses pretty soon then will head to Nashville. She reserved a hotel room for me so that I could just stay the night rather than driving to Nashville early tomorrow.

“Poor baby,” Mom coos. “All tuckered out. You can’t handle working with the big kids, huh?”

I roll my eyes. “I didn’t say I couldn’t handle it.”

She pats me on the cheek as she walks past to deliver drinks to a table. “Just stay right where you are and take it easy. Mama’s got it covered.”

Of that I have no doubt.

The morning passes by smoothly, thanks to my mom and her merry friends, and we’ve barely finished cleaning up from breakfast when lunchtime hits. I’ve chugged more coffee than I thought was possible and eaten enough to feed the town of Red Oak. But how could I not? Franky’s in the kitchen making all the incredible food and it’s not like I have the willpower to resist it.

“Time to head out,” Mom tells me, shooing me away from where she stationed me behind the register.

“You sure?”

“Positive. You’re needed elsewhere. I’m sure we can handle the register.”

I sag with relief. I’m ready to get home and shower.

“Thanks, Mom. I really appreciate the help these past two days.”

“Don’t even mention it. Dorothy is family to us.”

“I know. Call me if you need anything else, okay?”

“We’ll be fine. Go. Make sure you tell Dorothy I’ll be by her place when she gets home. I have a couple of meals ready for her and will help with whatever else she needs.”

My mom.


I kiss her cheek and give her a hug, lifting her off the floor and set her back on her feet. She laughs and swats my arm.

“Love you.”

“Love you, too, Cash. Drive safe, you hear me?”
