Page 69 of Effortless

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“When are we going to meet Cash, anyway?” he asks, deflecting.

“Is now a good time?” A deep voice comes from over my shoulder.

I spin in my seat and look up to see a grinning Cash.


He gives my shoulder a squeeze and winks. “Hey, you.”

“Oh, sweet Jesus.Thisis Cash?” Trotter asks in wonder and Logan whispers, “Holy hell.”

I nod, smiling at the two of them. I get it. Cash is one handsome guy. More than handsome, really, but he is on another level of good looking. Cash takes a seat next to Trotter and his eyes grow enormous.

“Trotter, this is Cash. Cash, my ex-husband, Trotter.”

Trotter lifts his hand when Cash extends his to shake.

“Nice to meet you.”


“And this is Logan, Trotter’s boyfriend.”

They shake hands as well and exchange nice to meet you’s.

“I’ve heard a lot about y’all,” Cash says.

“Y’all.Oh my word,” Trotter sighs, practically swooning. “A bona fide southern boy.”

He grins and the sight of it makes Logan nudge me in the side. I swat at him beneath the table.


“Want me to put an order in for you?”

“That would be great, darlin’. Thanks.”

“Darlin’,” Trotter repeats. “If I wasn’t spoken for, I’d be…”

“You’d be what?” Logan challenges.

“Absolutely nothing, sugar plum.”

“That’s what I thought.”

Cash and I laugh at the two of them bickering and I reach across the table, gripping Cash’s hand briefly. “Be right back,” I tell him, standing up.

“Don’t you need his order?” Logan wonders.

“I trust her. She knows what I like.”

I hear Trotter mutter, “I’ll just bet she does.”

Cash chuckles. “Haven’t gotten there yet.”

My cheeks flush and I add today’s special, hot beef with mashed potatoes, to Trotter and Logan’s order, fill a Coke for Cash, and drop it off for him before returning to the kitchen to help Franky.

I hear Leah say hello to her son and introduce herself to Trotter and Logan but soon customers are filing in quickly and we’re too busy to sit and have a conversation.
