Page 92 of Effortless

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“I will, don’t worry!”

“And tell Weston good game. As long as he has a good game, of course.”

She rolls her eyes. “Okay, Mom.”

A horn beeps outside and she darts to the door. “See ya!”


Cash has a work meeting tonight to go over an estimate for a big project they just landed so I have the night to myself. I haven’t had that in a while and even though I’d love to spend the night in Cash’s arms, I admit I’m looking forward to it.

That is, until I remember my mom’s text from this morning.

I sigh heavily and remind myself I’m a grown-up so I give her a call.

“Darling,” she coos.

“Hi, Mom.”

“What took you so long to call me?”

I roll my eyes. “I had a busy day, Mom.”

“Too busy for your mother?”

“I’m calling you now,” I remind her. “And if it was urgent, you could have called me.”

“Fine. I need you to come home. There’s something happening here and you need to be here.”

“First of all, I am home. Second of all, what is it?”

“I don’t want to discuss something so delicate over the phone, Hadley. I need you here.”

“I have a lot going on right now, Mom. Why can’t you just explain what’s going on? Is it something serious? Is it your health? Dad’s?”

She huffs through the phone line. “Of course it’s serious!” she snaps. “Why else would I need you home?”

I don’t tell her that she could be having a bad hair day and to her that’s serious.

“Tomorrow. I’m sending the jet. You need to be on it.”

“Mom. No. I can’t just up and leave. I have a business to run and Brooklyn has school.”

“You convinced Trotter to move to that god forsaken town, so he can be there for Brooklyn and I thought you had people to run the diner for you?” The way she says diner like a curse word makes me bite my tongue to prevent myself from lashing out. How she looks down on people is so condescending and ridiculous.

“Why can’t you come here?”

“To Red Oak?” she cries out in horror. “No. You need to be in Chicago for this.”

“Mom. This is all very dramatic. I won’t be on that plane if you don’t tell me what is going on. You can’t expect me just to drop everything when I don’t even know what I’m dropping it for.”

She’s quiet for a moment before she huffs again. “Fine. I’ll tell you but you have to promise me you’ll be on that plane.”

“As long as what I hear warrants a trip to Chicago.”

“Your father has asked me for a divorce.”

I gasp.
