Page 19 of The Breeder

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“Hello.” She smiled, hoping that even in chains he could see he was genuine, a non-threat, but hoping even more that a return to protocol would stop the puddle growing between her legs. “I’m Katharine.”

The creature’s brow furrowed in confusion.Of course he doesn’t know English, you numbskull,Katharine scolded herself. She scraped the rims of her mind, searching for some way to communicate. As a flight nurse, she used smiles and songs to offer friendship to the Germans and Italians who came under her charge. But now, she had to ask him questions and get answers. Singing and smiling wouldn’t be enough.

“I’m—” she pointed to herself, teaching the two words as if teaching them to a child “—Katharine.”

He opened his mouth to speak and a traitorous flicker of hope flashed in her chest. But, instead of repeating her words, he went into his own stream of an unfamiliar dialect, delivering each word with a conviction the likes of which Katharine had never seen any human speak. For a moment, she considered trying to scribble down the phonetics of his speech so she could later hand it over to a linguistics expert, but the words were coming too loud and too fast.What do I do? How do I communicate? What language do all species speak?

“Yakhaali truizi renyil nu. Waharaf bendameski zoert prinom wrexemet, faharil—”

Katharine surveyed the alien once more, trying to listen to the words his wide eyes were trying to convey. His wide eyes that looked desperate and hungry all at once. Katharine’s stomach twisted in knots as those two warring emotions battled inside her own body. Here she was, faced with an alien creature whose survival was her duty and who sent thrills straight to her sex... Katharine’s eyes went wide. Her heart faltered. It occurred to her then that there was only one language that every species spoke. Only one way to communicate peace in every language, to every people.

So, she bent down. Placed her hand on a complex pattern of tattoos over his heart. And kissed him. It was unscientific. It was dangerous. It was unthinkable. But it was the only way she knew to communicate peace.

And, oh, was it worth it. Katharine ducked to brush his lips with hers, intending to convey the message and break away. A peck to put forth an offer of non-violence and gentility. But then, his soft lips moved beneath hers and she was lost. Electricity pulled her in, dragging her down as her kiss melted into his. A low moan of satisfaction rumbled from his chest straight to the juncture between her thighs. She wasn’t imagining the sex in his body. It was there, and it was in his kiss.


She leapt away at the sound of an accented voice in her head, speaking her name as clearly as if he were saying it out loud. She clutched her own chest for support. So many emotions—fear, lust, thrill, fascination—fought for her attention; she could give no one feeling complete reign over her body.

“Did you—” She couldn’t help but begin the question in English as a force of habit.

Her subject nodded, a slight tilt of his head, but made no move to open his mouth and reply.What is going on here,she wanted to scream and beg the universe to answer, but she knew that there was only one way to find out what was on the other side of this labyrinth. She had to go through it.

Slipping off her workday heels and dropping them with a satisfyingclunkto the concrete below her, she couldn’t help but relish the undivided attention of the...subject. It felt strange to call him that after what they had shared, the passion that crackled in the air between them, in their lips when they kissed. His abrupt stare took in every inch of her form; Katharine shivered as his gaze caressed her breasts, the curve of her hips, and the lift of her ass, memorizing every detail. The stare was so real, so pointed and true, that it almost felt as if she were being caressed by him, her ass groped, her hard nipples flicked.

Picking up the folds of her skirt and hiking them up around her waist, Katharine attempted to keep her thoughts clinical as she slid onto the restriction table, climbing the length of the massive man’s body until she could straddle his waist.Desire puddled deep in the pits of her stomach as she rubbed her pussy against the lower tunic covering his manhood. His erect member rubbed the loose cotton of her panties; she nearly moaned at the feeling. She fought to keep her eyes from rolling back in her head, but couldn’t fight the soft rolling of her hips against him. It felt too damn good.

No, Katharine. Remain professional. He is your subject. Kissing seems to provoke... Oh, fuck, that feels so good... A communicative, unlanguagable internal response... Focus... F-focus on the task at hand. Remain...clinical.

Leaning forward, she folded her chest against his. With the chains around his limbs and her body pinning him down, Katharine went drunk with power as she ran her hands down his exposed arms, savoring the ridges of his tattoos beneath her fingers.

“Katharine.”The woman in question fought to keep her lips connected to him instead of shying away again.“That is your name, isn’t it?”

“Yes.”She thought the word as hard as she could, nearly yelling it in her mind.

“I am Breccon Tallel. Warrior Prince of Rune-Yon.”

It was so hard to focus, to remain detached and scientific, with the Warrior Prince’s member rubbing her lower lips. The muscles in her pelvis clenched and she ached to slip off the small piece of cotton separating her skin and his and surrender her body to this perfect stranger.

“If we wish to communicate, we will need to form a pair bond. There is no time to teach the language, I must gift it to you, and you gift yours to me.”

He bit her lower lip, a small nibble that arched her spine before she commandeered his mouth once more, breathing her enthusiasm into him.

“If you mate with me...”the words turned low and husky in her brain, shivering her spine as if she could feel his breath on her exposed neck,“...we can share our language and once I am out of these chains, I will give you more pleasure than you could ever dream possible.”

Beneath the fabric of her brassiere, her nipples hardened from even the indirect contact with his flesh.

“I understand humans have different rituals for courtship, but are you willing?”

She threaded his hands through her hair, rocking her hips back and forth against him unconsciously. His entire body tensed beneath hers, the muscles coiled as if ready to spring. Pulling up for air, she considered the proposition. Sharing his body would give her access to his language. She would be the only human on Earth who could speak an alien language. A time of pleasure could yield her the greatest scientific discovery in history. No one would make her fetch coffee if she held the key to the cosmos.

Beyond that, though, she was an unattached woman who had not felt pleasure in some time. The man beneath her was willing, indescribably alluring, and harder than any stone she had ever touched. He was bound and could do her no harm. She would be in control.

She took a deep breath in, the movement brushing her dripping wet slit against his attentive length. Any practical arguments that she could come up with against the proposal vanished with that one action. Her body would not be denied, and if it would help her science, all the better. She had gone into war zones, braved plane crashes and faced down danger before. At least with Breccon Tallel, the Warrior Prince of Rune-Yon, she was promised the moon and stars of pleasure. Once again, she captured his lips like a prisoner of war, trapping him in the bounds of her body.

“I am willing.”She projected the words with every shuddering piece of conviction she possessed.

“Then, please, begin,”came the rough reply.
