Page 20 of The Breeder

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Katharine didn’t need to be told twice. Retreating from his kiss, she sat up on his hips, shamelessly pressing herself into him as she reached for the buttons on her blouse. From her elevated angle, she didn’t take her gaze off Breccon’s face. Desperation lurked in every corner; his body strained against his chains.It must be torture for him to surrender power. He’s a warrior. They’re nothing but power.

Ripping her blouse off of her shoulders, leaving the last few buttoned, she reached for the clasps of her bra. Perhaps the Warrior Prince had ideas of this being a fast endeavor, but the raw passion in his eyes did nothing to dissuade her from releasing her breasts from the tight captivity encasing them.

Disconnected from him, she couldn’t hear his thoughts, but she did hear the heavy groan he heaved when he took in the soft mounds of her breasts, the pebbled peaks of her hard nipples. He licked his lips and flicked his attention from between them and her eyes. A clear message. Another thrill of electricity straight to her center. Moving herself higher to his chest, she gave him what they both wanted. She lowered her left nipple into his mouth, brushing the right with her free hand. The pleasure of his tongue exploring the nerve endings of her nipple erased thought from her mind.

He looked up at her from under his eyebrows, connecting with her as he worshipped her breast. Now, his body properly thrashed, his cock standing at perfect attention, waiting for sweet release. She could tell in the way he moved against her that if he had his way, he would have pinned her down and indulged himself in the sweet taste of her long ago.

The electric ecstasy rippling through her nipples and Breccon’s hungry look were too much to bear. She wanted to enjoy herself, to mark every second of sex with this creature so that she could remember it for future study and future self-pleasure, but Katharine was too far over the edge now.

She needed him. She would have him.

But first, she would need to leave him. With one hasty leap, she left the restriction table, standing at its side for better access to his body. He growled at first, an animalistic, almost frightening sound that made her crave his freedom, just so he could exercise that desire on her fully, but quieted when he felt her soft hands reaching for the loose breeches covering his lower half. The drip of slick sliding down Katharine’s leg begged her to rip them off quickly and be done with it, but everything else commanded a slow, steady action. With surgical precision, she pulled the trousers down, pausing briefly to admire the curving arcs of his hips. She savored the sight of his erection begging to be released from its fabric prison for a moment, too brief a moment, before relieving Breccon of his breeches, letting them puddle at his ankles.

The sight of his cock robbed the scientist of her breath. It glistened, so hard and so long that even a seasoned woman like Katharine feared she would not be able to take it all. His member reflected its master, impossibly big and impossibly thick. Katharine doubted she would be able to wear her underwear out of the hangar. They were now too wet; if she ever sat down in them, the slick would seep into her skirts, giving her away.

From her place at the warrior’s side, she looked up at him for permission. Though his eyes were fire and his body restless, a bottled thunderstorm, Breccon smiled at her. It wasn’t like the smiles of the men at work or at the soda fountain; this was the smile of an equal, a partner.

And it made her want him more than she thought humanly possible. In one flick of her wrist, she excused herself from her sopping cotton underwear. Then, she climbed atop him, steadying herself with one hand on each of his nipples.

The head of his bare, lubricated cock rubbed against her liberated pussy as she rolled her hips against him, searching for his place of entry. Finally, she found her entrance, but hesitated before sinking down and filling herself with him.Do you really want this?Katharine asked herself.You don’t have to if you don’t want to. Science will go on without you. You’ll do great things anyway.

But she knew this was far beyond science. She wasn’t doing this anymore because she wanted an award. She was doing it because she wantedhim.

One rock of her hips and she drove herself onto him, crying out as his thick member stretched her. Though they didn’t speak the same language, she could glean from the shudder that wracked his entire body that the words he shouted were ringing praises to some deity, a Rune-Yonian equivalent of “Oh, God!” For a moment, Katharine sank deeper, allowing her body to relax around him.

She rode him slowly at first, memorizing how his cock—ribbed by the same blue tattoos that covered the rest of him—felt against every inch of her pussy. When she could no longer stand slow and steady, she rose to her full sitting height, pinching his nipples for support as she grew faster and faster, clenching her walls around him.

What would it be like if he could touch her? Grab her hips and control the tempo? Fondle her breasts or pull her down to kiss him? What would it be like if he were free?

She trained her sights on the man beneath her, taking in every nuance of him. His thoughts were hidden, his language unreachable, but there was no mistaking the pleasure he felt. It reflected Katharine’s own. There was also no mistaking his desire to touch her, to return the favors she was paying him. With all of the motion the chains would allow him, Breccon began rising to meet her, and together they found the rhythm of their souls.

Her body was alive; every molecule vibrated and threatened to explode. Dragging one of her hands away from his chest, she moved her fingers to her swollen clit and thrummed herself in time with her strokes upon his cock. She moaned, her breath shuddering. They picked up speed, never looking away from one another.

“Oh,” she gasped. “Oh, I’m going to... I’m going to...” But before she could finish the thought, her orgasm rattled her bones, sending shockwaves of pleasure in its wake. She kept her pace on Breccon’s cock, digging in for more pleasure, more shockwaves, and more delicious, honeyed ecstasy. Katharine gasped, coming up for air as if she had been drowned. Perhaps, in a way, she had. Drowned in rapture. She only barely had time to recover, to focus her energy back on the strong, solid body below her when she could feel Breccon’s climax building inside her.

They locked eyes. They breathed in time. Their worlds collided. And then:

“Katharine!” the warrior cried her name, but this time, he cried it out loud. His strong voice echoed against every wall, including hers, as an orgasm ripped through him like a strong wind through a weak flag. “Katharine!”

Breccon’s cock pulsed inside her. She followed through with her rocking hips until his body slackened and he breathed a satisfied, smiling, “Katharine.”

Her eyes widened, wider than they had ever been.He said my name. He said my name out loud.

* * *

Breccon Tallel hadn’t meant to let her name tumble from his satisfied, tingling lips, but now that he had the taste for it, he couldn’t stop himself from repeating those two, sweet syllables.


His every molecule hummed, his body electrified by the contact. The effects of their pair bond were only beginning to take hold of him, the invisible thread that would connect them only now beginning to string its way between their two racing hearts. Once, his mother had told him about forming pair bonds. She’d explained the intricacies of the magic that linked souls and bound them. As warriors, pair bonds helped them communicate with their lovers in battle; it operated as a sixth sense, connecting the lovers across space and time and peril.

When this Queen Katharine entered his prison and threw herself upon him, protecting him from his captors with her own fragile flesh, he knew that a pair bond wouldn’t be necessary for him to want to return the kindness. She sat upon his hips now, gazing down at him with kind, uncertain, glittering eyes. More beautiful than the sunsets of Tereiz, the humming overhead lamps in this jail glowed behind her head, fanning out around her like a crown of pure starlight.

She looked like a queen. But, perhaps, even more than that, she looked like a mate. There was something wild and unbridled in the sensuous movements of her body. His cock twitched thinking of her wrapping herself around him. When was the last time he had felt such pleasure? When had he last been drained so thoroughly by a woman’s touch? His heart skipped a beat.

“Can you...?” She dipped her body to press fully against him, and Breccon fought against a groan when his cock slid out of her. Almost nose-to-nose, she prodded his expression with her own. The trepidation, the uncertainty, the pure wonder she expressed in that one look almost made Breccon laugh. She was a precious thing, this woman who could leap upon his cock like he was a wild Jakta beast she was trying to tame, then breathe words into his ears like she was a dizzy child, “Can you understand me?”

“Yes...” He tried to catch his breath. “Can you...?”
