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“Sleep? I can’t go to sleep, Daddy. I’m too excited and it’s early.”

“I thought you might want to get into your pajamas and watch a Christmas movie while we have hot chocolate?”

“Ah, yes! I totally want that. You’re the best Daddy ever.”

“Of course I am. I’m your Daddy, I have to be the best ever.”

* * *

“Merry Christmas, Daddy!”

Zander pretended to sleep as Keira shook his shoulder.

“Daddy! Daddy! Wake up, it’s Christmas!”

“It’s what?” He opened his eyes and stretched.

“Christmas, Daddy! It’s Christmas. How could you have forgotten?” she asked.

By now, she’d crawled over and was straddling his chest.

“Christmas? You’re kidding me.”

“Daddy, that’s not funny.”

“What time is it?” He yawned.

“Six a.m.,” she told him.

“Baby girl, that’s way too early to be up.”

“But, Daddy. I need to go see if Santa has visited.”

“First, you need to give your Daddy a good morning kiss, then you’re going potty. And then we’ll go put on some coffee. Then we’ll see if Santa’s stopped by.”

“But, Daddy, that’s just mean,” she whined.

“Baby girl, would you like to spend some time in the corner?” he warned.

“It’s Christmas!” She stared at him with wide eyes.


“No, Daddy. I really wouldn’t!”

Yeah, that’s what he thought.

After kissing him good morning, she rushed off to the bathroom. He walked in to brush his teeth as she was finishing up.

“Daddy, I was peeing.”


“I might have wanted some privacy.”

“No such thing between the two of us, baby girl. Now, go get your slippers on. I don’t want you walking around in bare feet.”

When he left the bathroom, she was waiting impatiently by the door.
