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Finally away from the nest of hungry elves, we make it down another trashed hall, but this one has two doorways on either side.

The first room we pass is where I assume they’d paint all the toys. The whole room is doused in what I’m telling myself is just red paint. Puddles cover the floor. Paint brushes are scattered along every available surface. A few I can see have been sharpened to a point. There is a set of wooden blocks that spell out the words “get out” on the shelf closest to the door. The longer I stare into this room, the worse it gets.

The next room is filled with various bits of pillow stuffing, some of which is stained red. A large teddy bear that looks to be patched together with different pieces of other bears to create a type of “frankenbear” rests in the center of the room.

Its eyes are two different color buttons. Its head is stitched at the neck with a large thread in X formations. The arms and legs as well. It doesn’t seem to be evil or murderous, but it’s still very off-putting.

Just then, the teddy bear’s head slowly moves until its two different color eyes stare at me. Yep, I'm done, ready to get the heck out of here.

Walking into what I hope is the last room, I’m surprised to see it’s not that bad. At least, not yet.

Tech-style toys cover almost every surface. They range from light-up baby toys, all the way to cell phones and everything in between, all in different phases of disassembly.

Once the last member of our party has entered the room, a lock clicks into place, letting us all know that we’re stuck.

My heart rate starts to pick up.Deep breaths, deep breaths. Everything is fine. It’s all for fun.

All the toys on the ground that can drive—I’m not sure if they’re all RC trucks and cars, since most of them don’t have their covers—have started to take over the small spaces around our feet.

I refuse to believe that this is it. It’s too simple.

Just as the thought enters my head, the room goes dark and the flashing lights of various toys click on. It’s disorienting.

I try to make out what I can, as some of the same demonic elves as before stare us down with hunger in their eyes. Their faces are lit up in different colors.

“Did you think you’d get out before a bite?” The male voice coming from somewhere behind me sounds impatient and annoyed.

No one says a thing, although some scared whimpers slip out as we just wait for the next move the actors are going to make. One moves closer to me, and I stiffen.

Don’t touch me. Don’t touch me. Please, don’t fucking touch me.

It’s the closest thing I’ll get to a prayer. But the thoughts are pointless, as I feel claws slowly scratch across my back.

“Mine,” it says near the back of my head.

Oh, if only he knew who I really belong to.

“Not in a million years,” I say back, false bravery and adrenaline taking over my tongue.

Who is this woman I’ve become? This badass who goes from panic attacks to giving attitude back to a terrifying-looking demon creature.

The group continues forward, and I’m pulled forward with them.

We exit the house, and the fresh air is just what I need after that. The fear had my body near overheating. I have all this extra energy now, and I know just how I want to use it.


Am I seeing things? Or is that really Alexis coming out of one of the haunted houses? And is that a smile I see on her face?

I want to go to her, ask how it was. Ask if she’s okay and check if the smile she’s rocking is just to ease the feelings of the people around her.

She must feel my eyes on her. She turns, finding me quickly in the crowd of people, and her whole face brightens even more. She gives me a small wave as she continues on with her friends.

She’s so different, yet so much the same this time. Instead of letting her fear consume her, she lets it push her forward through the experience.

What I would pay to have seen her in that haunted house. Been the one to hold her hand and remind her that it’s all in good fun.

I realize a moment too late that I’ve been zoning out, staring at the back of my sweet pet as she walks away from me. Correcting my posture and steps, I go to continue my stroll, only to find my dad staring me down from the shadows.
