Page 12 of Kissed By Kringle

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“Is this the ugly guy with the wart on his face you were telling me about?” Chase demanded.

“His name is Brendan,” Haley replied. “And he’s a Stanford graduate.”

Chase grunted and crossed his arms.

“Sounds like a boring old snob to me.”

“Then it’s a good thing he’s my date and not yours,” she shot back with a saccharine-sweet smile.

“Where are you even going? The closest town is practically nothing more than a speed bump. It’s not like you’ll have a five star restaurant experience.”

“We’re meeting for coffee,” Haley said. “That’s all.”

Mrs. Talbot pressed her car keys into Haley’s palm.

“Don’t pay any attention to your brother’s teasing. He just wants you to have fun, even though he’s terrible at expressing himself.”

“Hey,” Chase put in. “I can hear every word you say.”

Mrs. Talbot patted his cheek. “Good.” She turned back to Haley. “Is your phone fully charged? Are you sure you’re going to be warm enough in that coat, sweetie?”

“Mom, I’ve got it covered, I promise,” Haley said.

Her gaze slid over to me again. I swallowed. I’d nearly kissed her yesterday and now she was going on a date with someone else.

“Good luck,” I said, the words bitter on my tongue.

A small smile touched Haley’s lips and she dipped her head in a nod. Then she was out the door, her family cheering and waving, her mother trying not to tear up as they watched her go.

Chase turned away, marching straight into the kitchen. I heard the refrigerator door open followed by the pop of a beer bottle being opened.

I stepped into the kitchen, leaning against the doorframe. Chase gazed out the window over the sink, chugging down half a beer in one go.

“Are you trying to drown in it?” I asked.

“Maybe.” He shook his head and lowered his voice. “Fuck, Theo, I thought I was ready for this. I thought I would be fine with the fact that my little sister was finally starting to date. She’s always seemed like a bit of a late bloomer, you know? I just…I really don’t want her to get hurt.”

I scrubbed the back of my neck and made no response. It was safer to keep my mouth shut when my thoughts were still on the fact that I’d almost kissed Haley. Some small part of me always thought she would be there, lingering in the background with her romance novels. Now that she was venturing out on her own, seeking someone else…I couldn’t help feeling like an idiot. I’d missed a really good thing that had been sitting right in front of me.

Chase scratched at the label of his beer with a thumbnail.

“Guess I’m still not ready for it.”

Treading carefully, I finally spoke up.

“With all those romance novels she reads, Haley was bound to end up here sooner or later.”

Chase grunted. “Except this is real life. Not a book. It isn’t the same.” He raised his gaze to meet mine. “No one will ever be good enough for her, you realize that, right? No one.”

I bit the inside of my cheek. Did he…know…somehow? Had he found out that I’d almost kissed his sister and he was sending me a message?

Then I shook my head and banished that thought. If Chase had found out about that moment between Haley and me, he wouldn’t be subtle about it. Chase wasn’t the type to send cryptic messages with posturing and silent, brooding stares. He would be in my face, telling me to keep my damn hands off his sister.

“Come on,” I said. “Let’s go play some foosball in the basement. I’ll let you kick my ass. It’ll make you feel better.”

Chase snorted. “I kick your ass whether you let me or not. You suck at foosball. I’m the champion.”

“Put your money where your mouth is, Talbot.”

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