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I nodded, already clinging to the idea that I’d be there long enough to make dinner for him the next day. That sounded like a great plan.

She was still giving me some basic instructions when we heard Waggoner’s voice raised in a cry.

“But I need to use that hand to write!”

The doctor and I peeked round the flimsy curtain and saw him staring at the brace that covered his wrist and half of his hand. “How am I going to mark papers without it?”

The nurse didn’t bat an eyelid. “You’ll need the brace on for at least two weeks. Take it off when showering but otherwise wear it at all times, even when sleeping.”

It wasn’t that big, it was just that it restrained his hand movement. With any luck, it wouldn’t disturb him at all.

Waggoner looked round and saw the doctor. “Is this really necessary?”


He saw me and something flickered across his face. I stepped into the cubicle, afraid he was in pain. “You feeling ok?”

“Yes, yes, I just… need to mark my papers,” he said.

“You don’t have any papers – the mugger took them.”

He gasped. “How will we know what marks to give students?”

I shrugged, more concerned by his health than a few assignments. “Don’t suppose mine was in there? You should probably just give everyone A+ just to be fair.”

Waggoner gave a little laugh that sounded more like surprise than anything else. It wasn’t exactly Joke of the Year but I felt as though I’d won a prize. I’d made Waggoner laugh. Maybe he was hysterical. Maybe it was the concussion. Or maybe it was a sign that Waggoner and I were going to live a long and happy life together in wedded bliss.

It was probably the latter.

I caught the doctor’s eye and she gave me a slight nod. It looked like I was taking Waggoner home and looking after him.

Chapter 6: Waggoner

Iwoke late and tried to roll out of bed but I was stiff and sore. Damn, this was the down side of getting older. A few knocks and bruises could really take it out of me these days.

My head ached and my cheek felt tender but, other than that and my wrist, it was general wear and tear. To be honest, as I recalled the previous evenings events, I realised that I’d been incredibly lucky.

To come face-to-face with a mugger and survive with only a couple of bruises? I was probably one of the better-off ones.

I went to the bathroom and relieved myself, washed my hands and splashed cold water on my face. There was a bruise on my cheek but it was faint. The mugger hadn’t hit me that hard, then. In fact, I looked practically normal, except the faint purple patch on my cheek and the dark circles under my eyes.

Slowly, I stretched, testing my body. Stiff, sore, but nothing I couldn’t cope with. The worst thing was my wrist, which was strapped up.

I wandered out of the bathroom and towards the kitchen. My flat wasn’t exactly huge but it was more than big enough for one. It was only as I was walking into the kitchen, trying to work out whether I had time to grab some breakfast before going to work, that I noticed the massive alpha standing there.

“Hey, I’ve put the coffee on. Sit down and I’ll bring you some breakfast.”

“Uh,” I said. My mind went blank at the sight in front of me. Liam was standing there, in my kitchen, looking fresh-faced and sunny. And he had no shirt on. His whole chest was right there for me to see.

If I’d thought he was hot before, I had to reassess. I decided he was probably the sexiest alpha I’d ever seen in my life. The man should be modelling on the front covers of magazines. His chest was broad and sculpted and his abs… I was going to dream about those abs, I was sure of it. His skin was smooth, unblemished, and he either waxed or shaved because there wasn’t a hair to be seen.

I stood there, staring for what felt like an hour. When I finally snapped out of it, I blinked up at his face, trying to remember what we were doing there.

He smiled. I prayed that meant I hadn’t been staring for as long as I thought.

“How are you feeling?”

“Fine,” I said automatically.
