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He walked over and put his hand on my back, guiding me over to the little table and sitting me down there. I felt the lingering heat of his hand against my skin even when he took his hand away and went to fetch some coffee.

I looked down at the cup he placed in front of me and frowned. “How did you know how I take my coffee?”

“Uh, you probably mentioned it one time. During lectures.”

That didn’t sound like me at all. I wasn’t prone to talking about my personal tastes during class time. That was for physics.

On the other hand, Liam had presented me with a perfect cup of coffee so it looked like Ihadtold him at some point. I lifted the cup to my lips and sipped, closing my eyes to drink in the delicious flavour.

With most things, I preferred no-nonsense flavours. I wasn’t big on experimenting. But with coffee? It was my one big indulgence. I licked my lips, tasting the sweet caramel syrup goodness. I let out a heart-felt sigh and opened my eyes – when had I closed them? – to see Liam staring at me.

I cleared my throat. “Thanks.”

“No problem.” His voice came out a little gruff. Maybe that was his morning voice, with a touch of gravel in it. I resisted the shiver that wanted to make its way down my spine.

“So,” he said, dropping into the chair opposite me. “How are you really feeling? And don’t think about lying and saying you’re ‘fine’ because I can see the bruise on your cheek.”

I got a sudden wash of emotions through me. A lot of different feelings all at once. Perhaps it was because this scene was a little more… domestic than I’d had in a long time, but I felt thrown off guard.

I didn’t want to be that person who complained all the time, though. In the end, I said, “My wrist hurts a bit. My cheek hardly hurts at all.”

Liam’s big hand reached out and I sat there, holding perfectly still, as his warm fingers stroked ever so gently against my cheek. It had been too long since anyone had shown me that kind of affection because the movement made my throat feel tight and tears sprung to my eyes.

I blinked them away and hoped he hadn’t noticed.

He stood suddenly.

“What do you want for breakfast?”

“I normally have a slice of toast.”

“Right, I’ll get you that, then.”

He bustled around the kitchen and I sat there with my perfectly-prepared coffee and watched him. I should hate having someone I didn’t really know in my personal space but… I didn’t. It felt right to have Liam there.

I rolled my eyes at myself. This wasn’t some great love story, for crying out loud. This was a student being a good person and taking care of the professor who got himself knocked over the day before.

And any softer feelings I was having were probably because the man was incredibly easy on the eye and it was the best sight I’d woken up to in years.

Actually, I thought about that and realised that Liam standing shirtless in my kitchen was the best sight I’deverwoken up to.

I sat there and watched the alpha move around and let a little part of my brain fantasise about what perfect domestic bliss this was. I’d shake it off and get a grip on reality after breakfast.

Chapter 7: Liam

Last night I’d been so worried about Waggoner that I hadn’t had a chance to think about how horny I’d be if I was constantly around him. This morning, I got my first glimpse of that.

I’d woken up an hour before him and had showered and dressed, keeping my shirt off because it didn’t hurt to display the goods, right?

Then I’d set about doing some chores. I’d wanted to make myself useful so maybe Waggoner would be so impressed by my domesticity that he’d keep me. I groaned. I sounded like I wanted to be adopted like a puppy.

Whatever, I’d made myself useful because Waggoner wouldn’t be able to do anything with his wrist all strapped up, and I wanted him to rest.

When he’d walked into the kitchen looking all sleepy and rumpled, I’d felt my chest constrict with an emotion I couldn’t name. It was almost too much, seeing him like that. Looking so perfect. Just waiting for me to go over and wrap my arms around him, maybe kiss him properly awake.

I liked the thought of that a little too much. The idea of kissing Waggoner awake one day made the embers of arousal in my belly ignite and burn low. If ever I got the chance to do that, I’d slide into his bed and trail kisses all over his jaw and neck and chest, down to his cock. I could kiss that awake, too.

Damn, I needed to get a grip. Not a literal grip, I reminded myself.
