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His head fell against my shoulder and his eyes closed. Soon, he was letting out little puffs of breath somewhere between a snore and not a snore.

I watched him sleep. That was how fucking bad I had it for this guy. Even when he was sleeping, he was fascinating. And I could feel my body responding to the sight. Good job that blanket was across my lap. I reached out and carefully arranged it so it was rucked up, just in case he woke – he wouldn’t see the tent my dick was making.

When I finally remembered I had training later that day, I reached for my phone, thanking God that I’d had the foresight to put it on the arm of the sofa so it was within easy reach. Otherwise I might have woken Waggoner up and I wanted to let him sleep as long as his body needed. He might be used to being his own man but he needed to take care of himself. Although… if he was willing to let me, I was more than willing to do that for him. He would take a few days to recover, physically and emotionally.

As I unlocked my phone, I used my left hand to message, which made me slow and clumsy.

ME: I won’t be at training tonight. Tell Coach sorry for me

CHRIS: Where you skiving off to?

ME: I got myself holed up with my omega!!!

CHRIS: I’m calling you

ME: Don’t you dare! Waggoner’s asleep

CHRIS: Shouldn’t you be asleep to? Isn’t afterglow a thing?

ME: Get your mind out of the gutter!

I stifled a chuckle at the irony of me telling Chris he had a filthy mind when my dick was comfortably hard against my thigh. Coincidentally, the thigh that Waggoner was pressed up against.

CHRIS: I can’t believe you got lucky. I thought it was hopeless

ME: Gee, thanks

CHRIS: It was only yesterday that he even looked at you. Man’s a fast mover

ME: Don’t talk about him like he’s easy. Show some respect

ME: He’s not putting out so don’t tell people he is

CHRIS: … didn’t mean it that way, Liam

ME: Sorry man, I know you didn’t

CHRIS: I wouldn’t tell anyone your business anyway. I’m just happy for you that you got him to notice you

ME: Yeah, not sure I’m entirely grateful for it because he had to get mugged first

CHRIS: Holy shit no way! That was him???

ME: What do you mean?

CHRIS: It’s all over campus, by which I mean my gossipy brother knows everyone and he said some omega fought that mugger last night and nearly ended up in hospital

ME: He *did* end up in hospital but he only has a sprained wrist and some bruises. Waggoner wouldn’t let the mugger take his bag

I felt the acid in my stomach as I typed. I didn’t want to ruin the moment I was enjoying but the memory of his body being dragged across the ground really got to me.

CHRIS: He’s brave

ME: Yes he is

ME: He’s also waking up. I gotta go

CHRIS: Go… do whatever you need to do
