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“Nah, I’m good, thanks. I take it you managed to open that pickle jar alright?”

He blinked at me. “Yes, I did. Too bad you weren’t here, I could have used a strong alpha.”

Waggoner actually leaned towards me then, and rested his hand on my bicep. I waited for the elation to swamp me but it didn’t and I didn’t understand why not.

I’d spent months wishing for exactly this and now that he was here, leaning towards me and touching me, I didn’t like it.

Shit, why didn’t I like it? I tried to analyse my feelings quickly. Was it that I didn’t fancy him any more? I glanced down at him, taking in his handsome face and the slender body beside me. No, it wasn’t that. Itreallywasn’t that.

So maybe it was that I was tired? Or that Waggoner was still hurt?

No, no it wasn’t those things. It just felt… off.

An hour ago, if anyone had told me that Waggoner would willingly have touched me, I’d have been over the moon. And if he touched me like this, with his hand on my arm, subtly feeling my muscles, then I’d have said that ofcourseI’d have liked it. I’d have flexed a little so he got to feel them properly – no point in wasting them, right? – and my omega could cop a good feel.

But right then, with Waggoner’s hand on my arm, all I wanted to do was pull away.

“Are you feeling ok, Waggoner?” I asked. Maybe I was mis-reading the situation. Maybe it wasn’t a come-on and actually he was feeling faint and was using my arm to steady himself.

He slid his hand up my arm to my shoulder and across to my chest.

“I’m feeling great. How do you feel?”

I swallowed. His hand was warm and it slid onto my peck. Waggoner was feeling me up.

“Yeah,” I said, trying to focus. I couldn’t concentrate, not between the sensation of his hand on me and the weirdness of it all. “Yeah, fine.”

His hand stilled. Beside me, I felt his whole body go stiff and unmoving. Then his hand slid away.

Perversely, I missed it. Iwantedhim to feel me up, it’s just that I wanted it to be more… natural.

Waggoner turned his head away and his voice changed. Became less seductive. “I’m sorry, Liam. This was a terrible mistake. I didn’t mean to make you so uncomfortable.”

“You don’t. Well, not really.”

He was looking down, avoiding my eye, and I could see that same faint flush of pink across his cheeks behind the short silver hairs.

“No, I’m sorry. I should never have touched you.”

He stood and walked out to the kitchen, taking the wine bottle in his good hand.

I sat there, stunned. What had just happened?

Waggoner had burned hot and then cold. Touched me up and then practically run out of the room. I felt as though I’d just been caught up in the middle of a play and I hadn’t learned my lines.


The realisation struck me.

That’s exactly what it had been. A play.

I stood up and followed Waggoner out to the kitchen. We were going to talk about this.

Chapter 15: Waggoner

Icouldn’t believe I had done that. I felt so fucking stupid that I wanted to crawl away and hide. Why had I thought the beautiful young alpha would want to sleep with me?

It seemed so ridiculous now that I couldn’t even remember why I’d thought he would want that in the first place.
