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But something had made me think it was possible. Perhaps I’d hit my head harder than I’d thought and this was a delayed reaction, making me lose all grip on reality. I couldn’t think of another explanation for why I’d just tried – and massively failed – to seduce the most attractive alpha I’d ever seen in my life. What had made me think I stood a chance?

My face was burning with embarrassment and I fled to the kitchen to try and get myself together. I put the wine bottle on the counter, rested my good hand there and hung my head. A fresh wave of embarrassment washed over me. I didn’t think I’d ever get over it. I also didn’t know how I was meant to go out there and face Liam after that little performance.

I just needed a minute to get myself under control. If I could stop blushing and stop wishing the ground would open up and swallow me so I’d never have to look anyone in the eyes ever again, then I’d be fine.

I jerked my head up as I heard footsteps behind me and tried to look busy putting the wine bottle away.

The footsteps stopped in the doorway but didn’t come in.

Putting the wine away took less time than I wanted and I looked round for something else that would make me look busy and also stop me from having to face Liam.

His voice was surprisingly soft when he spoke. “Waggoner?”

I couldn’t look at him. Not now I realised what a mistake I’d made, thinking he was here for an affair instead of just being here because he was a good person and was worried about his professor.

He didn’t sound angry, though, which was good. I didn’t feel any unease at having my back to him, even though it left me vulnerable.

“You want to tell me what that was all about?”

“Not really,” I said. I was proud that my voice came out reasonably steady.

“Maybe I said that wrong. What I meant was ‘we’re definitely talking about that’.”

“I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.”

He didn’t say anything but I didn’t hear him leaving, either. I didn’t dare to turn around and see the expression in his eyes.

“Waggoner? Please look at me. I need to understand what just happened.”

“I made a mistake.”


“Because there’s no fool like an old fool.”

“You’re a lot of things, my omega, but foolish isn’t one of them.”

“You know, you’re too kind. You really should—”

I paused. Tried to replay what he’d just said. Had he called me his omega?

No, he wouldn’t have. This was it. The moment I went stark raving mad. I was hearing things now.

Behind me, Liam stepped closer. His footsteps were soft and it was more that I felt him approach than heard it.

“Look at me, Waggoner.”

Reluctantly, I turned round. It wasn’t as though hiding would make him forget what happened anyway.

“Did you just try to seduce me?”

I groaned and put my head in my hands. Turned out Icouldn’tlook him in the eye, after all.

“Oh God, it sounds even worse when you say it out loud. I can’t believe I did that.”

Liam let out a breath of laughter. He sounded surprised more than anything. “Holy shit, you actually wanted to seduce me?”

“Iknowit’s ridiculous and I’m mortified. I completely understand if you want to leave.”
