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He stepped closer. So close that, even with my hands over my face, I could feel his presence.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“Are you sure? Because I would, if I were you. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

“What made you decide to seduce me?”

“Can we not use that word? I already feel so fucking stupid for trying.”

“Hey,” said Liam, and his hands gently wrapped around my wrist and my brace, tugging both hands away from my face. “You’re not stupid for trying to seduce me. Heck, I can hardly believe you tried. And I’m kind of kicking myself for not jumping at the chance of being seduced.”

I gave a weak smile.

“But it didn’t feel right, Waggoner.”

“I get it, honestly I do. I won’t try—”

He slid his hands up my arms until they were on my shoulders and he stepped into my personal space. My words dried up in my throat and I swallowed. His big body was so close to mine and I could feel the warmth of it radiating out.

“I didn’t say I didn’t want it. I said it didn’t feel right.”

“That’s the same thing.”

“It’s not. It didn’t feel right because it didn’t feel likeyou. It was like you were playing a role.”

I nodded. “I’ve never done that before. I was having to guess.”

“So you’re saying you really want to sleep with me or was that part of the role too?”

I looked at him shyly. He was just asking that as though it was the most natural question in the world but it was a very complicated answer. I wanted to sleep with him but I was worried that I’d end up hurt worse than if I hadn’t touched him at all, and I’d never had sex with an alpha before so I wasn’t sure what to expect, and I wasn’t the most adventurous in bed so he might be disappointed, and there was the little fact that he was half my age and would go and find himself a boyfriend his own age when he was ready and—

“Waggoner, I can practically feel you over-thinking this. It’s a simple question. Do you want me or not?”

“Yes, I want you.”

No point denying it. He’d already seen my clumsy attempts to get him.

He gave a sudden laugh and it startled me into meeting his eyes. His face was lit up with the biggest smile and for a second my breath caught in my throat at how utterly beautiful he was.

“I can’t believe it. You really want me? Is this a dream? It’s been weird enough that maybe it is.”

He let go of my shoulders and pinched his own arm hard enough that I saw the red mark appear and slowly fade.

“Hey,” I said, and reached out the fingers of my good hand to sooth the sore spot.

“Just checking. This is like my wildest dreams coming true, Waggoner. What were the chances it was actually real?”

I frowned at him. “Your wildest dreams?”

He groaned. “I’ve been trying to get your attention formonthsnow. I was getting desperate. I want you so fucking much and you’ve never been interested because I’m so dumb.”

I gasped, “You’re not dumb!”

He rolled his eyes. “It’s ok, I know I am. I understand less than 1% of your lectures and that’s normally the bit where you say good morning.”

“But you’re really smart, Liam! Seriously, you are! How can you think you’re dumb? Just because you don’t understand Advanced Physics, don’t make you stupid, it means Physics isn’t for you. You’re getting really high results in your Engineering class because you actuallyenjoythe subject. I don’t know why you persist with Physics when it’s not your thing.”

Liam’s fingers brushed against my cheek and left a tingling trail in their wake. “Because you’re there and you’re my thing.”
