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“Welcome. So why don’t you fuck someone else while you’re waiting?”

I sighed and Chris, our captain and about the only person who could control Sean’s run-away mouth, interrupted. “Sean, you’re asking personal questions.”

Sean blinked. “I know. But how else am I going to find out?”

That made me snort with laughter. “He’s got a point. Don’t worry about it, man. I don’t mind telling.”

Chris shrugged, happy to let it go if I was.

“I’m demisexual, Sean.”

“That the one where you fuck more than one person?”

“No, that’s polyamorous.”

“Huh. I don’t like that one. I’ve got my omega and I don’t like the idea of sharing.”

“You do you, man.”

Possessiveness wasn’t uncommon in alphas – or anyone, I guess – and I was ok with that as long as it was consensual. Take Nat and Josh, for instance. Nat totally got off on Josh being possessive and claiming him in public. Nat’s neck was almost permanently covered in hickeys and beard rash, and he showed it off like it was a trophy.

I was happy for them.

“So is demisexual where you live like a monk?”

Ouch. Because no, it wasn’t, but at the moment it might as well have been.

“Demisexual is where you don’t want to fuck randos. Only people you know and care about.”

“So no one-nighters while you’re working on your professor, then?”


“Tough, man. How you coping?”

Sean made it sound as though I was suffering a terrible fate, not being able to have sex. It wasn’t as though I loved not getting laid, since I was horny a lot of the time. But when I thought of taking some other omega home, I felt queasy, as though I was cheating on my omega.

Ok, I really needed to stop thinking of Waggoner asmyomega when he wasn’t. He’d hardly ever spoken to me and hadn’t agreed to a date, so definitely wasn’t mine.

Maybe my feelings showed on my face a little too much because Chris asked, “He still not want to go out with you?”

I summoned all my strength and said as cheerfully as I could, “Not yet.”

Sean nodded and turned to do something else, having finished with me, but Chris narrowed his eyes. He was much more astute.

“Liam, you could try getting to know someone else, you know. There’s an omega in my class whose really cute and smart. Maybe you’d like him.”

I thought about it. I really did. It was just that I could picture some cute young omega and it did nothing for my libido. It wasn’t as though I hadn’t tried that. I’d taken omegas out before and been bored to tears most of the time, and then when I’d tried taking them home, I’d had to let them down and tell them I wasn’t interested because apparently my dick was reserved purely for Waggoner.

“Nah,” I said. “I’m good.”

“Are you, though?”

“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Because you’re failing his class. Again.”

“That’s because Physics is hard.Youtry working that shit out and see if you do any better.”
