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Alder stayed a while longer and chatted about the class he’d covered for me, and then he left.

“I won’t hang around too long – I don’t want to be here when your alpha gets home. He’ll probably expect you to be waiting naked on the bed, surrounded by rose petals.”

“I don’t have any rose petals.”

“Huh. Maybe spread those assignments out. He likes Physics enough that it’ll probably look just as romantic.”

“He doesn’t like Physics,” I said, and even as I said it, I felt myself blush. He didn’t like Physics, he likedmetalking about it.

“Probably for the best if you don’t, then. Don’t want to get spunk all over the assignments. Can’t hand those back to students all crumpled and sticky.”

“I don’t know why, but I always feel vaguely grossed-out by the time you leave, Alder.”

“Only vaguely? I need to up my game. Are you sure you don’t want to give me a quick description of his alpha cock before I go?”


“No you’re not sure…?”

“No, I don’t want to describe my alpha’s cock to you. Goodbye, Alder.”

He gave me a grin and a quick hug. “Bye, Waggoner. Take care.”

“Thanks, Alder.”

I got a patronising pat on my head and Alder left in a whirl, slamming the front door behind him.

I only considered lying naked on the bed to wait for Liam once, and dismissed it. At my age, I’d only fall asleep and it wouldn’t be sexy for him to come home to a snoring omega. I could make sure I was ready, though.

I smiled to myself. Liam probably wouldn’t mind if I did fall asleep. He could wake me up with a kiss. Not to get all Sleeping Beauty about it, but that would be nice, actually.

With that thought, I reconsidered whether to get naked or not.

Chapter 22: Liam

Two weeks later

By the time Waggoner was ready to go back to work, I had basically moved into his apartment. He hadn’t invited me to stay there permanently but he also hadn’t ever suggested I leave at any point, even just for a night.

I’d taken that as my opportunity to stay. Besides, he was still injured, right? His wrist was strapped up and he needed looking after. Those pickle jars weren’t going to open themselves.

It meant I had gone back to my own shared house exactly once, just to pack up all the things I’d need in the immediate future – clothes and my school things – and hadn’t looked back.

After a few days of being at Waggoner’s, I’d decided I needed to start my morning run again. I’d left the house and jogged around, learning the area and choosing my route. Every morning since then, I’d gone out and run in the fresh air. I liked the physical exercise but what I liked more was coming home to Waggoner.

The street where we lived was becoming familiar and I got the same heady rush of feelings each time I stood outside his door. Excitement. Anticipation. Comfort.

Already, this place felt like home. I had only been there a couple of weeks and I had made quite a few priceless memories in each of the rooms.

I grinned to myself as I slid my key into the lock and let myself in. I had someverygood memories of this apartment.

“Foxy?” I called as I shut the door.

“Hey, one second,” he shouted, and I followed the sound of his voice through to the bedroom. He was struggling to do up his shirt. It was a crisp, white button-down and I felt a wave of lust wash over me. Damn, he hadn’t worn anything like that in two weeks and I’d really forgotten how hot he looked in them.

I liked him in the casual clothes he wore around the apartment because he looked sexy all the time but, also, he looked comfortable. As though he was letting me see behind the armour. It felt special, to be one of the ones he let in like that.

I also liked him naked, it has to be said. In fact, I took every opportunity that came my way to strip him out of his clothes.
