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“But the mugger took them,” I said, and realised I’d made it sound as though the mugger was targeting people specifically to steal ungraded assignments. That was quite a specific kink, if they were.

Alder sat down opposite me and blew on his coffee, taking a sip. “Yes, he did.”

“So how did you get them back?”

“The police got them. They’re keeping the rest of your stuff for evidence but they said you’ll get it back soon. I insisted they return the papers so you can grade them and your students don’t need to re-write any of it.”


I was struggling to process this.

“You mean the police caught the mugger?”


“That’s brilliant! How did they catch them?”

“He tried to mug me.”

“What? Alder, are you ok?”

Even though he was sitting in front of me and he looked just fine, I asked anyway.

Alder waved a hand airily. “Of course I’m ok. I said hetriedto mug me. He wasn’t very good at it.”

“He seemed good enough at it when he mugged me,” I muttered.

“Yes, but you’re not vicious like I am. Did you know alphas can scream really high-pitched when you kick them in the balls two or three times?”

I burst out laughing and had to put my coffee down because my hand was shaking.

“You didn’t!”

Alder batted his eyelashes at me so innocently that I knew he absolutely had.

“You weren’t hurt?”

“Not at all.”

“And the mugger?”

“Will make a full recovery, in time.”

He sipped at his coffee again as though it was the most natural thing in the world to casually mention that he’d single-handedly taken down an alpha mugger.

“You know, I don’t think you’re allowed to maim people like that, even if they are criminals.”

Alder shrugged. “I’d feel sorry for him but he only ever mugged omegas because he thinks we’re weak.”

Without doubt, that was the mugger’s mistake.

Alder continued. “I think there’s some really deep prejudices going on in his brain if he thinks it’s ok to hurt and scare omegas while he takes whatever he wants from them. By the way, he was a student who was broke and wanted some more cash. He was arrested and he’s been charged. Can you believe the cheek of him, trying to charge me with assault, whenhewas the one who attackedme? I told him, if he hadn’t chosen a CCTV blind-spot to do his muggings, maybe the police wouldbelievehe’d been beaten up by the little omega but there wasn’t any actual evidence of that except his word against mine. What’s the phrase? Hoisted by his own petard. I think that means ‘hung up by his own dick because he’d been stupid enough to get it out and wave it around at people’.”

“Yeah, it means something like that.”

Alder nodded decisively. “He shouldn’t have tried to hurt me. And he shouldn’t have hurt you.”

I was touched that Alder seemed that bothered by my experience. I was aware I’d been lucky to get off as lightly as I had, but still it was nice to feel as though someone was looking out for me.
