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I didn’t want to think about the kind of protective energy that surged up inside me at that. And I wished I could get out of my chair without pointing my erection right at him and ruining any chance I might have of actually getting to know him.

“You ok, Prof?”

“Yes, yes, I am.”

He turned away and began to shuffle through some papers. I could only see the side of his face and a lot of his cheek was covered with his neatly-trimmed beard, but I could swear he was blushing.

My heart flipped. Damn, my omega was the cutest when he blushed.

And, if I was reading this right, he was blushing because he’d looked atme. Right? Right? That had to be it.

I cleared my throat to ask him something – no idea what I was going to say until it blurted out of my mouth – but he grabbed his papers and his bag and practically shouted, “Well, see you next week,” and ran out the door. And I mean actually ran. There was a definite skip to those feet.

I stared after him.

Waggoner had blushed and run away because of me? Maybe it was a mark of how desperate I’d become, but I reckoned that was actually a good sign. It was better than him completely ignoring me, anyway.

As soon as he was out of the room, I stood up. There was nobody I needed to hide my erection from now. I shoved my things into my bag and grabbed it as I left. My feet hurried along the corridor to the nearest toilets and I threw the door open too forcefully but I wasn’t concentrating on anything except the memory of that blush and his voice as he’d spoken to me. Actually spokentome.

I slammed into a cubicle and bolted the door. I was so hard that I yanked my zip down and fished my dick out without even bothering to undo the rest of my fly. My hand stroked along my dick and squeezed tightly, making me want to moan.

I bit down on my lip to stop myself.

Damn, this felt good. And, if I closed my eyes, I could imagine my omega in front of me. I could almost hear his voice, still playing inside my head. My dick got harder as I stroked and thought of the way Waggoner talked. Damn, he sounded so smart.

I’d actually started recording the lectures a few months back because I got so helplessly lost during them that I wanted to play them back and work out what Waggoner was actually saying. Turned out, though, that was a bad idea. What I’d actually done was get myself some prime wanking fodder. Waggoner’s soft voice, the enthusiasm when he talked about his subject, the long words…

I’d spent an entire weekend locked up in my room, playing those recordings over and over again and jerking off constantly. How I’d managed to stay hard for that length of time was beyond me but hearing Waggoner talking about sciency stuff made my dick stand to attention and what was I meant to do after that?

By Monday morning, I’d been exhausted, dehydrated, hungry and my dick was raw. In a moment of sanity, I’d deleted all the files permanently so I couldn’t un-delete them that night when I wanted to jerk off again to the sound of my omega doing what he did best.

I had resisted recording him again ever since.

I always wished I had, though, when I had my hand on my dick and wanted to hear my omega, to feel close to him. I spat into my palm and used that to ease my rough jerking, along with the pre-come I swiped from the head of my dick. When I closed my eyes, I could almost imagine I was sliding inside Waggoner’s slick ass.

I’d been so hard for the entire lecture that it really wouldn’t take long to finish.

I heard the door open and footsteps but I couldn’t stop what I was doing. I bit my lip harder and tried to restrain the sounds that wanted to fall from my mouth. I couldn’t do anything to quiet the noise of my jerking, though. Anyone who heard it would know exactly what I was doing. Thing was, I didn’t care. I just needed to come. It wasn’t like I was doing anything illegal and all my friends already knew I got turned on by my professor, so they wouldn’t be surprised.

I just kept jerking hard, twisting my hand over the head of my dick and making my hips stutter.

Whoever was outside my cubicle finished and washed their hands, then the door squeaked again as they left. I let out the grunt I’d been restraining and my hand flew over my length, squeezing and rubbing and twisting until I gave a final grunt and my balls drew up, emptying through my dick all over the wall in front of me. I stroked myself through it, drawing out my pleasure until I was spent.

With my dick still in my hand, I looked down at the mess I’d made and sighed. Unfortunately, I was no longer a stranger to wiping up in toilet cubicles. Grabbing a load of tissue, I wiped my hands and my dick and tucked myself away. Then I wiped down the wall and flushed the lot away.

By the time I emerged to wash my hands, I looked almost respectable. The only sign that I’d been doing anything untoward was the slight flush to my cheeks and the vaguely guilty expression on my face.

Chapter 4: Waggoner

Iwasn’t hiding in my office!

For a start, I had some very important work to do, and that was why I went there after my lecture.

Not to hide my mortification at sounding so stupid when I’d spoken to Liam at the end of class.

I dropped my head into my hands and groaned. I was sitting at my desk… hiding.

Ok, I admit it, I was hiding. Because I’d come across as a complete and utter imbecile. It was just that he’d been looking at me all lecture and, sure, I was the one doing the talking so that was normal but Liam didn’t look at me like the other students did. I don’t know why it had affected me. I should never have tried to speak to him afterwards.
