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“No, not a chance.”

He sighed. “Fine. There has got to be a way to get him to notice you. Let me ask Riley. He might have some ideas.”

Riley was Chris’s omega, and I appreciated the idea that Chris would ask him for ideas just for me.

“Or,” Chris carried on, “I could ask Angelo, my brother. Although that’s much more dangerous. He’s more of a risk-taker. If you follow any plan of his, I’ll need you to sign a disclaimer or something.”

I managed a weak chuckle. “At this point, I might even be desperate enough to do that.”

Pathetic, yes, but true.

“Come on, let’s play some football.”

We ran out to join the rest of the team and I managed to lose myself in the physical work-out for an hour.

Chapter 3: Liam

Two days later, I was sitting in my usual seat to the side of the classroom, near the front. It meant I got the best view of Waggoner as he spoke, even when he was standing behind the desk.

He looked as gorgeous as ever. Slight and lean, without being skinny. Looking utterly delicious in a white button-down shirt and a charcoal waistcoat. He always dressed formally, at least at work. I wasn’t sure why, since a lot of the other professors didn’t bother, but I dug it. I’d had some serious fantasies about unbuttoning that shirt one button at a time… or just ripping it off. I’d had a lot of fantasies.

His hair was silver-white and he had a neatly-trimmed beard. Best of all were his eyes, though. Bright blue and intelligent, the sort of eyes a person couldn’t help but fall for. And set off perfectly by his dark-rimmed glasses.

Professor Waggoner was my geeky professor fantasy come to life and I genuinely hadn’t known for the first week after seeing him whether I’d hallucinated him right up because no way could that much perfection be real.

He spoke about physics as though it was endlessly fascinating. He used long words that I tried to write down so I could look them up later but I couldn’t spell most of them. Which meant, really, what I was doing was sitting there listening to his voice, holding a pen as though I was going to write something, and staring enough to drink my fill of his sexy form.

Just watching him turned me on. Listening to him talk, though? That pressed buttons that nobody else had ever pressed.

“A particle is an object of insignificant size. We’re going to use both the notation x(t) and r(t) to describe the trajectory of a particle.”

I didn’t know why he did it for me so much. But it had to behim.

There was something about his particular cadence and tone that made me want to rub up against him. The way his eyes lit up when he talked. The little hand gestures he made.

I had listened to a lot of physics lectures online recently to see if it was people talking clever things that made me horny, but it wasn’t.

Ok, so clever people got my motor running but none of them like Waggoner did.

I’d even listened to omegas giving lectures online in case I was only turned on by clever omegas. Some of them were undeniably sexy. None of them did it for me like Waggoner.

So I had a serious problem.

“The velocity of a particle is defined to be v equals dx(t) over dt.”

I wanted to sit exactly where I was and watch him move, watch his lips forming those clever words and listen to things I could never hope to understand, and I wanted to do it forever.

Shame I couldn’t fail this class again without somebody doing something about it. Namely, I couldn’t fail again without fucking up my degree.

I shook my head to try and clear it and clutched my pen tighter. I needed to write some of this shit down. Of course I didn’t, though. I just breathed through the arousal thrumming through my body and tried to catch one word in ten that Waggoner spoke.


By the time Waggoner dismissed the class, I was so turned on that my dick was actually aching. It was hard inside my jeans and there hadn’t been a position I’d been comfortable in.

The rest of the students filed out and I watched them go. Then Waggoner looked directly at me. For the first time in forever. He looked straight at me and met my eyes.

I thought he was going to ask me why I wasn’t leaving or he’d say something about my awful assessment results, but he didn’t. He opened his mouth but then snapped it shut again. I wasn’t used to seeing him unsure, but that’s the vibe I was suddenly getting. He’d gone from knows-everything professor to timid omega.
