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Ezra's breathing picks up, grunts and curse words come from his lips and onto mine. I feel his cock swell. He buries his face in my neck, aiming for his end, and only seconds later his warmth infuses me. His teeth sink into my neck as he empties his cock. We ride through our highs together until our bodies come to a stop.

“We should spend every lunchtime like this,” I whisper, stroking his hair.

Ezra lifts his head to look at me. “Happily.” He smiles.

I lean forward, kissing him softly. “I love you.”

I try to tell him any chance I get because he isn’t used to hearing it, and I believe he still wonders why I would love him, so I like to remind him when I can.

“I love you too, beautiful. Only a couple of more days, and we won’t need to hide anymore,” he says, caressing my cheek.

“Yes, only a couple of more days,” I repeat. He is going to end things with Bella this weekend. I am eagerly holding out for then because I am over sharing him and sneaking around. The thought of having him to myself is one I enjoy greatly.

He helps me off his desk and we clean up in his private bathroom before finally sitting down for lunch.

I am looking forward to the weekend until he can finally be all mine. Yes, there will probably be a lot of drama and bitterness when it does happen, but it will be worth it in the end.

I’ve been preparingmyself all week to break up with Bella tomorrow. I am going to get straight to the point. There is no reason to beat around the bush. I don’t love her and she doesn’t love me. Though, I don’t think it will be so simple. Bella doesn’t do rejection. She is used to getting everything she wants, and she doesn’t like it when she doesn’t. She will scream and shout at me, possibly slap me, but I don’t care. She and I are over. I am ready to start my life with Alana, the woman I truly love. Bella, or anyone else isn’t going to get in the way of what I want. I have invited Bella to my place tomorrow because it’s probably the best place to do it.

I have something else to deal with first. I am meeting my father for lunch. I haven’t seen or spoken to him since the event, since he said all those horrible things about and to Alana. I would rather not meet him, but he keeps calling, and I need to get it over with. I hope he hasn’t told my mom because I would rather be the one to explain it to her. If my dad starts on me I won’t hesitate to walk away. I have made my mind up, and nothing will change it.

I arrive outside the steakhouse my dad chose since it is one of his favourites. I take a moment to gather my thoughts. My cell vibrates in my pocket. I dig for it, bringing it out I see it’s a text from Alana.

Good luck, my love. I hope you can fix things. Call me when you are done xx

I appreciate her taking the time to text me between her classes and letting me know she is thinking of me.

Thanks, bright eyes. I will, promise xx

I take a deep breath and stroll in. The front of house staff smiles the second I walk in. “Mr. Barclay, your father is already here and waiting for you.”

“Thank you. Where is he? At his usual table?” I enquire, and she nods.

Without a doubt, whenever he comes here he insists on the same table. I don’t know why, but he does. I walk toward it, and see he’s already eating and drinking a scotch.

I approach the table. “Hello, Dad,” I say.

He glances up at me. “Ezra.”

I think he is still mad at me, but not my problem. Sitting across from him I grab a waiter's attention and ask for a coffee. I’m not hungry, and I don’t want to alcohol either.

There is silence at the table for the first couple of minutes. I am waiting for him to speak. He is the one who wanted to meet. He finally makes eye contact with me. There’s a serious look on his face, more intense than I usual.

“Have you ended it yet?” His voice is calm, but I am sure he is anything but calm. My dad has made his thoughts clear on this, so I know not losing his shit with me is hard for him.

“No. I don’t plan to end things with Alana. Tomorrow, I am ending things with Bella.” I ensure my voice is firm, showing him I am not backing down.

His grip on his cutlery tightens, and his jaw clenches. “No, you are not,” he hisses.

“Excuse me? I am not asking you for your permission, Dad. I am a grown man. I am ending things with Bella,” I counter, feeling anger stir in me.

“Since when did you become so damn selfish, Ezra?” he snaps.

I ball my fist under the table. “Selfish? How does that make me selfish? Please, explain?”

“Do you know what will happen when it comes out you have been having a damn affair? Do you know the shame you will bring to our family? The rift you will cause between our family and Bella’s. And all for what? For some gold digger you barely know? For a woman who will never fit into our society.” I can hear the disappointment in his voice and see it in his eyes.

“So, what, I have to be miserable for the rest of my life with a woman I don’t even love to save face? To keep our reputation intact? And don’t you dare talk about Alana in such a manner. She is nothing like that!” I bark, gripping onto the edge of the table.
