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“Sometimes we need to do things we don’t like. You are not breaking things off with Bella, Ezra. You are going to break your mother’s heart for some woman. After everything your mother has done for you? After everything we have done for you? I never thought you would be so damn ungrateful,” he says in disgust. He is referring to them adopting me. He just doesn’t want to say the exact words.

“Don’t you ever call me ungrateful! You know damn well I am grateful for everything. Are you seriously trying to bargain with me by using the fact you adopted me? Do you know how fucking low that is?” I snarl, shaking my head.

“I did not say such a thing,” he protests.

I run my fingers through my hair in frustration and try not to completely lose my shit. “No, but it is what you meant. You have the cheek to call me selfish. You are the one who wants me to be unhappy for the rest of my life, all for your damn reputation. The only selfish one here is you, Dad.”

“What? Because I want the best for my family?”

“I am part of that family. And this has nothing to do with family. It is all business. I am ending it with Bella, and you or anyone else isn’t going to stop me. I love Alana. She loves me and is the woman I plan on marrying one day,” I state firmly.

He laughs. “Marry? You barely even know the woman. You don’t know how to commit, Ezra, because if you did, you and Bella would already be married. It isn’t going to last between you and Alana. I don’t understand why you would choose someone like her over Bella anyway. You and Bella are more suited in every aspect. Bella is good for you. She is a good woman, similar to your mother.”

He sounds so certain in his words. Oh, I think it is time for some home truths since he believes Bella is some angel.

“No, I never committed to Bella because it didn’t feel right. You honestly believe my relationship is perfect with Bella? It is far from it. All we do is fight. She treats me like shit and spends all my money. She doesn’t care for me. She never really has. She is only with me because of the family name, and no other reason. There is no chemistry or connection between us. And no, I am no damn angel. I know that. But neither is she.” My voice is calmer because it doesn’t matter what tone I use to talk to him, it isn’t going to make a difference.

“So you are trying to tell me that a woman you have known for what, a couple of months, is someone you want to marry, to connect with, over the woman you have known a long time and been with for years?” Each word he speaks is loaded with sarcasm. He is mocking me.

“Yes. Alana knows things about me, about my past, that you and Mom don’t know. We have been through a lot of similar things. We know what it is like not to have a real family and a horrible life growing up. Things you or Bella would never understand, but you have never known such hardship. I trust Alana more than I have ever trusted anyone. We are meant to be and share a bond you will never get. Do and say what the hell you want, Dad, but I am going to be with Alana, with or without your approval. Deal with it.” I stand from the table and straighten my suit out. “This meeting is concluded,” I say sternly.

“You are making the biggest mistake of your life. I hope you are prepared to lose everything, because you will lose business, money, and friends when the truth comes out,” he threatens.

“Bring it on because Alana is worth it. Goodbye, Dad.” I walk away before he has a chance to say another word to me.

He is probably right. When my affair is revealed, my life is going to change, and not all for the best. But I don’t care. Alana comes first. She is more important than business and money.

One thing I am worried about is my mother. I don’t want to lose her over it. Yes, she will be mad at me, probably ashamed of me to start with, but I hope with time she will see I am happy with Alana. I don’t want my relationship with my mom ruined because we have a close one. I hate disappointing her more than I do my father.

I will visit my mom tomorrow after my talk with Bella. I want her to hear it from me, not from anyone else.

I step outside, closing my eyes I draw in a breath, holding it for a moment before letting it out. I have no idea if my father will ever accept Alana and me together, but he needs to.

I have a hard weekend ahead of me, but it is full of things which need to be done. Come Monday everything will be out in the open, and I can be with Alana without hiding. All of this is leading up to that moment, and I am ready to take it all on.

I’ve just arrivedhome from class. My last one was cancelled due to the professor being sick. I didn’t mind because it got me home earlier. I change into some sweats and make a pot of coffee. Ezra will be by later, but I am still waiting for his call to see how things went with his dad. I have a gut feeling it didn’t go well because his father has already made his mind up about me.

I sigh, pushing it to the back of my mind, pour a coffee, and go sit on the sofa. I have a lot of studying to do, but I am going to relax for a little while, enjoy my coffee and then get to work. I am glad it is Friday as I have the next two days off.

I get comfortable, switching the TV on I flick through the channels to try to find something, but before I can decide on what to watch there is a knock on my front door. I’m pretty sure it’s Ezra as who else would visit me? He has probably decided to come straight over after meeting his dad. Though, he does have a key, unless he has left it at home.

I chuckle, shaking my head I stroll over to answer it. I open the door, and the last person I expect to see is standing there.Bella!What the hell is she doing here? And how does she know where I stay? I freeze for a second, my heart racing as my nerves hit. It only lasts a moment, though. I decide to play coy. “Hello, can I help you?” I ask.

“Don’t play dumb with me, Alana. I know exactly who the fuck you are and have done for weeks,” she snaps, barging into my apartment.

She is not someone I want to deal with today or ever! How the fuck does she know about Ezra and me? We have been careful. Obviously not careful enough.

“What are you doing here, Bella?” I hiss, swinging around to face her.

“Who the fuck do you think you are, you little slut? Ezra is mine and was mine long before you appeared. You are nothing but a quick lay to him.” Her words come out angry and a look of pure hatred shines from her eyes.

“He is yours? You treat him like shit, Bella. You don’t even love him. You are only with him to keep your families happy. You like the attention and money that comes from being with him. Bella, you have no idea about our relationship. He loves me, not you. I love him, unlike you, so how about you do us all a favour and let him go, let him move on with his life and be happy,” I snarl, glaring at her.

Bella steps closer to me, leaving only a few inches between us. “You really think you and Ezra would work? You are nothing but a pathetic, poor, unworthy little skank. He doesn’t love you. He will never love you because he knows someone like you will never fit into his world.” She laughs evilly because she believes what she is saying.

I stand confidently, making sure she realizes I am not backing down. “Bella, you have no idea what you are talking about. He does love me. If he doesn’t, how is it by this time tomorrow you and Ezra will be history. He will be mine and only mine. You or his father aren’t going to get in the way.” It probably isn’t my place to tell her, but she is pissing me off, and I am done with all the bullshit.

Bella laughs loudly, a sly look covering her face. “Trust me, he isn’t breaking up with me. You, on the other hand, will be a different story.”
