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“Can you at least get out of the car and talk to me?” She laughs, which takes me by surprise since she is usually annoyed at me for one reason or another.

“Yeah, sorry.” I chuckle, climbing out.

It gives me a better view of the entrance for when Alana comes out so I can warn her to hide. I close my car door and casually lean against it while keeping an eye out.

“What time will you finish today? Do you want to go out for dinner? We have barely seen each other these last few days.” She pouts, stepping in closer to me. I have spent most of the last few days either at work or with Alana.

I would rather not tonight, but if I say no, she will get mad and start questioning me, then probably cause a scene. “Sure. I should be done by six. We can get dinner at about eight, if it suits?” As I wait for her to answer, I see Alana come out and glance around, searching for me. Her eyes finally fall on me, and then she realises I am not alone. A panicked look crosses her face, and I motion for her to head back inside.

“Ezra, are you listening to me?” Bella’s voice brings my attention back to her.

“What? Sorry.”

Bella eyes me suspiciously, glancing around to try and see what has distracted me. I can’t let her look over her shoulder since Alana is still in view trying to work out where to go. I wish she would go back inside! There is only one thing for it. I crash my lips to Bella’s, and at first, she doesn’t kiss back because she isn’t expecting it, but her lips soon relax against mine and she kisses back, pressing her body tightly to mine, moaning.

I part from her lips. “Dinner at eight?” I ask again, and she nods. “Okay. I will collect you from your place.” I need her to leave, and thankfully she does. She pecks my lips before heading off to meet her friends.

I climb back into my car, and quickly call Alana to see where she is. It takes a few rings before she answers. “Hey, I am sorry about that. Are you ready to go?” I ask, not wanting to hang around longer than I need to.

“I’m already on my way there. You seemed preoccupied, so I will see you later or something.” The line goes dead.

Great! She is mad at me yet again. I groan with frustration, start my car and drive towards her place. She can be mad at me all she wants, but I refuse to let her be alone for this because she has no idea of the damage, and has no one to be there for her. Alana can shout at me after it if she pleases.

Arriving outside her apartment I find a parking spot. I rush inside and go up to her floor. I step into her place, which has no door, and I take a look around. The site is a mess. Everything seems damaged by smoke, and some things are burnt. There are holes in the walls, and the ceiling has fallen partially too. It is destroyed, and there is no way she can live here.

“Alana, where are you?” I call out, but there is no answer. Maybe she hasn’t arrived yet, not if she walked here. I wish I could stop her from coming in because it is going to break her heart.

I sigh. I’m trying to come up with a plan to help her. I know she can’t afford somewhere else or wait for the landlord to fix this place up. I don’t think she wants to live out of a hotel. Maybe I could look into an apartment for her and pay the rent until she can get back on her feet.

The sound of sobbing catches my attention, and I follow the sound. I find Alana sitting in the corner of her bedroom on the floor crying her eyes out. I hurry over to her and take my place next to her. I wrap my arms around her and pull her in close.

“Ezra. Everything is ruined! What am I going to do? I have no home, and no money to find a new one. I am fucked!” She whimpers. She grips me tightly while she is crying.

I stroke her hair. “I swear, angel, we will get something sorted for you,” I vow softly.

“How, Ezra? I have no money. Plus, maybe it is time we just end this thing between us. That was too close of a call with Bella. And seeing you with her, kissing her, smiling, it’s just a reminder to me of being a home wrecking whore.” She sounds disgusted with herself.

“Alana, we have been through this. It is complicated! You can’t wreck something that is already messed up,” I protest. There is no chance in hell I am letting this come to an end.

She abruptly pulls away and jumps to her feet. “If things are that bad then you should break up with her. You know what? Just go back to your perfect little life with your beautiful house, having everything you need in life, and your gorgeous girlfriend, and just forget about me, okay! I don’t belong in your fancy world. I am sure if anyone knew about us they would be disgusted that you would even consider being involved with someone like me, a twenty-three-year-old woman who works a dead-end job and is basically homeless. I am positive you would be disowned for your terrible life choice.” With every word she says her sobbing gets louder as her tears run down her cheeks, and that familiar sadness pools in her brown eyes once again.

“Alana, stop, please!” I sigh, exasperated she doesn’t understand me.

“No! Just leave me alone, okay? I am sure all of the bad things happening recently is my karma for getting involved with another woman’s man.” She whimpers, beginning to pace.

“Enough! Stop trying to fucking push me away,” I retort, my voice is firmer than I meant. “Just let me help you.” I run my fingers through my hair.

I hate to admit it, but I have become rather fond of Alana these last few days. I like our time together, and not just sexually. I can be myself around her, not be concerned about what I say or the way I act. And she doesn’t ask questions either, which I appreciate.

“I don’t need your help! I don’t need anyone, because in the end all people do is let you down and leave. Fuck off, Ezra, go back to your perfect life and leave me alone.” She shakes her head. There’s a defeated look on her face, and I hate to see it.

I make my way over to her, but she backs away. “Please, just leave. I will work something out and get my things from the hotel after I finish work tonight. I am thankful for everything you have done for me, Ezra, but I can’t keep doing this. I can’t keep relying on you. I don’t want to lie and cheat anymore. I have had enough.” She is hyperventilating by now from all the crying.

I reach for her, resting my hands on her hips and bring her to my chest. She refuses to make eye contact with me. I place my hand on her chin, tilting it back to make her look at me.

“Please, stop this, Alana,” I beg. “I can’t stand by and watch you struggle. I refuse to.” I’ve never made such an effort for anyone, but with Alana, everything seems different, and I can’t explain it.

“Ezra, I am too tired to argue with you. Please leave.” Her tone is emotionless, telling me she’s done with everything. I could push to change her mind, but right now, I believe it is pointless because it will only make matters worse.
