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“I saw you and Bella, Ezra. You keep telling me you are unhappy, but you sure didn’t look it. You looked the opposite. It is time we say our final goodbye. It is the right thing to do.” I sigh because I know it is the right thing, but it doesn’t make it any easier.

“No!” he states, firmly, and the line goes dead.

What the hell does that mean? He says no and hangs up! How does that even make sense? I try calling him, but he rejects my call.

Ahh! I swear no one has ever gotten under my skin the way he has. I switch the stupid thing off and throw my phone away, then take a long swig of vodka. I shouldn’t have answered. My friend tonight is the bottle in my hand.

I clenchmy first under the table, irritated by Alana and what she had said. How did she even see us? Wasn’t she supposed to be working? I thought she would have realised by now I am not so easy to get rid of.

Bella arrives back at the table after stepping out to take a call. That is how I managed to get away to talk with Alana.

“Ezra, are you okay? You seem stressed suddenly,” she asks, choosing to take her seat across from me since it is evident my mood has changed.

“No. It’s a work emergency, apparently the damn systems are down, so I need to get it sorted before tomorrow. I am sorry, but we need to cut the night short. But I will make it up to you.” Every word that comes out of my mouth is a lie, but I make sure to keep a straight face.

“Can’t someone else deal with it?” she whines. “I was hoping for some time together at your place tonight. I even went shopping for new lingerie,” she adds pouting at me.

“You know me. I would rather sort things myself because I know it will be done right. We can continue another night, and you can show me what you bought then,” I say, leaning over to peck her lips. “Text me when you are home safe, okay?” She sighs, nodding.

I leave my card to pay for dinner and rush out.

I have no idea where Alana is if she isn’t at work, or maybe she is, but I am heading straight to the hotel to see if she is there first or to see if there is any evidence of where she is working tonight.

I pull up outside the hotel and head inside. I say a quick hello to the receptionist on my way to the elevator. I have never had to chase someone as much as I have with Alana. I don’t chase after people! They come to me. The woman is driving me damn crazy. I take the card key from my wallet and let myself in.

I notice a light is on. Maybe she forgot to switch it off before leaving.

“What the fuck!”

Her voice makes me jump and stumble. I turn the lights on. “Alana, what are you doing here? I thought you were working.” She should be asking me that question, not the other way around.

“Me? I am staying here. What the hell are you doing here? Do you just come in here when I am not around-like-like some kind of creep?” she snaps, jumping to her feet.

“No, of course not! I was coming here to wait for you to get back from work,” I protest, not wanting to come across as some stalker, but I can understand why it would seem like that.

Alana makes her way to me with an unamused look on her face, and when she is close enough, I smell vodka on her breath. “Why won’t you just leave me alone, Ezra? I don’t want you! I don’t want this!” she slurs, prodding my chest.

“How much have you had to drink?” I ask, avoiding the things she said to me because I know she doesn’t mean them.

“None of your damn business, that’s how much,” she snaps back.

I glance around the room, spotting an opened bottle of vodka on the bedside table with only a quarter left in it, even if that.

“Why aren’t you at work?” There is no chance she would be finished by now.

Alana mutters something under her breath, but I can’t make out her words. She turns and walks away, heading in the direction of the bottle of vodka. I run over, picking it up before she can. “I think you have had enough, angel.”

Alana tries to reach for it, but I lift it above my head because I know she can’t get it. “Ezra, give me the damn bottle and fuck off back to your girlfriend.” She tries to jump up to get it.

“Not happening. Sit your ass down before you fall down,” I say firmly, walking away and pouring the remainder of it down the sink. By the time I turn back around Alana is stripping my tee off, and starts to rummage through her clothes.

“Alana, what are you doing?” I ask, heading over to her.

“If you won’t leave, then I will,” she snarls, putting other clothes on. She heads for the door, but I am quicker and get there before she can, putting myself between her and the door. I don’t understand where all her anger is coming from towards me. I know she saw me with Bella, but it isn’t the first time, so why is this time any different?

“Move!” she demands through gritted teeth.

“Nope! You are in no fit state to be going out alone, Alana.” She can yell at me all she wants, but there is no chance in hell she is leaving this room.
