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“Yes. He stays a couple of blocks away,” I answer quickly, hopefully not quick enough to raise their suspicions.

I can’t read my dad’s face to work out if he believes me. He is a serious, stern man, and I have always struggled to determine his thoughts. I hated it when I was a kid because I couldn’t tell if he wanted me around or if he only allowed me to be there because his wife wanted me. He’s a good man, and we get along fine, but we have never had a really close relationship like many other fathers and sons.

“Oh, that’s nice, son, you are finding things to do outside of work and Bella,” Mom says sweetly.

“Yes, it is,” Dad agrees, but by the tone of his voice, I’m not sure he believes what I am telling him.

I smile awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck and turning my attention back to Mom. I don’t want dad’s eyes to continue to burn into me.

“Do you have time to join us for a drink, son?”

I can hear the hopefulness in her voice, and it sucks I will need to tell her no. I sigh before I answer her. “Sorry, Mom, I can’t. My food is nearly ready, and my friend is waiting for me.”

A sad look replaces her hopeful one. “Oh, okay.”

“Sorry, but I promise to stop by one day during the week,” I say brightly, and she seems happy enough with my answer.

I chat with them until my name is called for my order. I hug my mom goodbye before going to collect dinner. I wave as I pass their table and head out.

I reach my car, and just as I open my door, Dad’s firm voice comes from behind me. “Ezra.”

Fuck! I swing myself around to face him. “Yes, Dad?”

He strolls over to me until he is standing only inches away from me. “Ezra, I am going to ask you something, and I would appreciate you being honest with me.”

I have a feeling what is coming. I nod, waiting for his question.

“Are you going to see a friend, a male one, I mean? I only ask because I know your group of friends, and none of them stay around here. You also aren’t one for takeout food. You prefer to eat in a restaurant or cook.” He stares at me intently while waiting for my response.

“Dad, who else would I be going to see?” I make sure to sound confident because I don’t want him to see through my lies.

“Are you having an affair?” he blurts out.

“What? No, of course not. Why would you ask me such a question.” I try my best to sound offended, even though he is right, and I am.

He folds his arms across his chest. “Do you promise? Because you know it would break your mother’s heart since you are supposed to be with Bella, she is the woman you are supposed to marry one day.”

I’m sure if they knew the truth about Bella and our relationship, he would have a different opinion on the matter. I stand up straight. “I promise, Dad. I’m not having an affair.” I make sure my voice is firm and steady.

“Okay. I believe you, Son. I should get back to your mom. I will see you soon.” He smiles, heading back inside.

I let out a sigh of relief when he is out of sight. Thank God he didn’t see through my lies, or I would have a lot of explaining to do. I quickly climb into my car, setting the food on the passenger’s side, and speed off, not wanting to risk sticking around longer. I need to be more careful, at least for the next couple of weeks until I can finally end things with Bella.

I decide to park away from the hotel in case my parents drive past and see my car. I park outside of an apartment building. If they see my car there, then they can assume I’m in that building. I rush over to the hotel, quickly making my way up to Alana.

I feel a sense of relief when I let myself into the suite Alana is staying in. However, I don’t see Alana at first glance.

“Alana, sweetness, where are you hiding?” I call out.

“Bathroom. I will be out in a minute, babe,” she replies.

I put the food down and take my coat and shoes off before climbing onto the bed to make myself comfortable. I wait eagerly for Alana to join me, and she does only seconds later. She smiles brightly, rushing over and joining me on the bed.

“Hey, handsome. Did you miss me?” she coos, climbing onto my lap.

I place my hands on her hips, grinning widely. “Don’t I always, bright eyes?”

She leans forward, pressing her lips to mine in a gentle kiss. It is a simple one, but enough to make my heart race in my chest.
