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My tongue lolls out as I sprint up the trail as fast as my paws can take me. I lose sight of him in the treetops, so I put it in high gear the rest of the way up the trail.

I’m not winded. My muscles don’t strain with the effort.

This is my home, my land, and this wolf body wasmadefor exactly this.

Rook definitely has the advantage, but I know the mountain better than he does. I know in my bones that I’ll win because it’s my home. I feel so at one with the wind against my ears and the packed dirt at my paws, I’ll beat him to my house despite his as-the-bird-flies advantage.

The scent of celestial magic wafts to me just as the trail levels out, and I can really put some speed on. I see him just ahead…



He’s not even flapping!

That cocky little—

A streak of midnight colored fur darts out from nowhere.

Ozone hits my nose, and I give Drago a big wolfy grin as he runs toward me. I slow to an easy trot to meet him because he clearly wants to run with me, then put my head down to run it along his body in greeting. He’s back early, and I’m not complaining in the least.

But Drago doesn’t slow down.

He doesn’t even look at me.

He fixes his dark brown gaze over my head. And he’s still not slowing.

He’s going to run right into me! I give him a low warning growl, but he’s closing fast, attention locked on something behind me.

Almost like when he turned those shitty alphas into chew toys…

Oh, my god.

Drago pushes off the ground and leaps over me, soaring upward toward—

I shift out of my fur and scream with all my might. “Drago, no!”

But he already has Rook’s tail feathers in his powerful jaws.

Drago rips Rook right out of the air and, to my horror, shakes him side to side.

“Drago! Stop it!!”

But my Alpha-killing mate doesn’t hear me. He’s too busy protecting me from my new crow shifter mate.

I run to him and scruff Drago’s neck, but he’s too strong. He yanks out of my grasp as he shakes the bird shit out of Rook.

Rook’s caws grow louder and more insistent, and I whale on Drago’s back as hard as I can just to get his attention.

But my mate is singular in his focus.

“Drago, goddamnit! Put him down!”

The sky darkens as if a huge cloud bank rolled over the sun. I’m tempted to look, but I can’t tear my eyes from the travesty happening in front of me.

Shiny black feathers float to the ground as Drago plants his front paws on the ground and shakes my new mate with even more fervor.

The darkness thickens as every crow in BC descends on my wolf mate, cawing, flapping, and pecking mercilessly at his head, flanks, and hindquarters.
