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The sound of all those wings beating the air and the scolding caws drown out my voice, my thoughts.

And as brutal as they are with Drago’s wolf form, the crows are careful to fly around me. Not a single one grazes me with a claw or beak. Not even a feather touches me.

But soon enough, they’ve pecked Drago bloody in spots, and I can’tdoanything.

“DRAGO!” My voice is heavier than normal, thick with power.

It’s about damn time.

My murderous mate’s head finally snaps toward me, eyes lasering in to mine.

“Drop. My. Mate.”

The order, an alpha command if there ever was one, parts the murder of crows, disbanding them to a hover over and around Drago, but no longer on him. Drago stares at me, gaze unfocused, opens his maw, and lets Rook fall to the ground.

The slobber-covered tail feathers droop as Rook gets his crow feet under him and stands. The feathers that aren’t dripping in wolf slobber are all ruffled, making him look like a cute, fat crow.

I hide a smile behind a hand. “Are you OK, Rook?”

He shakes himself, reorganizing his feathers so they lay smooth once again, then clicks his beak three times. All crows intent on pecking Drago to death disperse in a great black wave of flapping and caws.

Drago whines, and when he draws my gaze, gives me the saddest set of puppy eyes I’ve ever seen before shifting back. “I didn’t know you’d called another mate, Willa. I thought he was tracking you. I thought he was—”

“I know what you thought.” I reach for him, and he tucks me under his arm.

He sighs deeply, drawing as much comfort from me as I do from him.

“Is he going to be alright?” Drago asks, nodding toward Rook, who still hasn’t moved.

I didn’t know much about witches, but I know about shifters and the wolf variety, at least, are tougher than we look.

“He might be stunned. Happens to birds when they hit windows.” I work myself out from under Drago’s arm, a feat easier said than done as he’s intent on keeping me as close as possible, and approach Rook. An arm outstretched to him, I bend toward him and as soon as I’m close enough, he hops up on my forearm.

“You don’t think I shook him so hard he can’t get out of his bird form, do you?” Drago asks.

I chew on my bottom lip before answering, as Drago’s concern bleeds into me. “I don’t think that’s a thing. He probably just needs some time to get himself together.” I slide an arm around Drago’s waist, and we walk back to the house.


With a giant crow on my arm.



By the timewe’ve reached my purple door, Rook’s hopped up my arm to my shoulder and is doing his best to bury himself in my hair.

Rafe is still sprawled on the new sofa, passed out, and as my eyes rove over him, I let out a heavy breath laden with opposing feelings.

On one hand, it’s a relief to see him inert and not causing problems. But on the other…

If he’s not happy with our situation…

I let the weight of that thought press into me, but I can only bear it a moment.

I shake it off and glance at the dining table, and I don’t know why, but I expect Jonah to be sitting at there waiting for me to return.

When I don’t, a backhand of guilt smacks me in the heart for feeling that way at all.
