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Jonah beams at me. “Anything to make our omega laugh,” he says and gives me a peck on the cheek before heading toward the door.

Rafe shakes his head and steps aside to let him leave.

“Well, that looks like everything,” Rafe says, glancing around the mostly empty bedroom. Only the bed frame remains after Mari insisted she wouldn’t sleep on the same mattress as me.

Even when I assured her the full bed was too small for any of us to get nasty on.

But deltas will be deltas, I guess.

“Do you want a minute?” Rafe asks, his green gaze so full of love as it searches my features.

“Yeah, I think I might,” I say with a heavy sigh.

Rafe nods. “We’ll be waiting by the ATV.”

I smile at him and swallow against the hard ball of ick in my throat.

I didn’t think it would be this hard.

Saying goodbye to the healer’s cottage is a blessing.

I get to have more dicks than I ever dreamed possible.

And yet, over the years, I grew to love this job. I assimilated it into part of my personality. Saying goodbye meant I had to figure out who I was without it.

Once I’m sure Rafe is outside the cottage, I open the closet, cleared of all my clothes, my deflated paddleboard, and the hoards of Marilyn Monroe memorabilia, which I’d pared down considerably, thank you very much.

The only thing left was my personal nest.

The nest I made when I thought I couldn’t have a “real” nest, full of plush, velvety fabrics and satin pillows that were beautiful, but impractical.

Impractical because I thought I’d never need a practical nest.

Not with the healer magic keeping me from being with Rafe.

Looking at it now, the shiny fabrics seem so sad.

So silly.

So part of the past.

But I also don’t know what to do with it.

I hadn’t packed it up to take with me because of just that reason, and I as stand there, looking at it, I decide to leave it for Mari.

She’ll make good use of it, or she’ll find someone who will.

I flick off the closet light and close the door, taking one last look at the bare bedroom

“Goodbye, old cottage. You were a great cottage. You were exactly what I needed for a time, but that time has passed.”

I blink back tears and head out, eyes on my feet so I don’t have to look at all the things that aren’t me anymore.

The drying herbs in the window.

The stores of bottles and clean cloths and prepared tinctures on the bookcase by the door.

The big pot I always made scent neutralizing potions in.

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