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Fucking with a knot…

Well, it’s just not a thing.


“I told you I wouldn’t be able to take it slow, Willa.” Drago’s voice is strained, almost animal-like. And as I open my eyes to peer up at him, I see why.

Drago’s partially shifted. His mouth and nose are elongated, almost into a muzzle, and his hands are tipped with razor-sharp claws.

Drago’s fucking me, all the while straddling the line between man and beast.

I can’t get enough of it.

But there’s hesitation in those brown eyes of his.

As if he’s not sure if I want this. If I’ll judge him for this.

So, I make sure he knows how much I fucking love it.

A rattling growl vibrates in my chest as I dig my nails into his back and pull him into me.

Drago lets out a shuddering sigh and crashes into me over and over again, and that’s when I’m certain.

All this time…

Every time he’d said he couldn’t go slow and wouldn’t make love.

He’d actually been holding back.

Thisis what he wanted. How he wanted to have me.

Dancing on right up to the line. Straddling it.

Fuck the line. The line is our bitch.

“I’m going to come again,” I rattle in his ear as his body claims mine. His cock rends me in two in the best possible way.

And just as I tip over into oblivion, Drago has an unheard-of second release.

He howls at the ceiling once again, and as the last ebbs of pleasure collide with us, he rears back and sinks his teeth into the fleshy part of my shoulder.

I scream at the strange pleasure of it, and for some reason, my teeth ache to feel his flesh as well.

The moment he pulls away, I sink my teeth into his meaty bicep.

The metallic tang of blood dances across my tongue like firecrackers as I lick and suck his flesh.

When I release him, a perfect arch of teeth marks his unscarred arm. Red and angry at the abuse, the skin soon closes and a silvery iridescent impression of my teeth is all that’s left.

I gaze up at Drago, deliriously happy and zooted outta my mind on orgasm endorphins.

But Drago isn’t happy.

His eyes are totally black with fear.

“I-I…” He twists out of my grasp, trying to pull out of me despite his knot locking us together. “I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

“I did. I wanted this, Drago. Please don’t feel any way but happy you just got railed by a super omega, OK?”
