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Mari hops into a seated position to glare at me some more. “You most definitely will. It’ll be awful, the absolute worst thing you’ve ever experienced. For a time. But you will survive it, and you will be OK.”

I shake my head, lower lip wobbling. “I really won’t, Mari.”

“You say that, but you’re the strongest omega I know. You’ll grieve him, but you will survive it. I promise.”

Tears well, and I meet her stern gaze. “Drago and I are mate-bonded and fully claimed,” I whisper.

Mari’s mouth falls open, and her eyes widen. It only takes her a minute to get the news, process, and decide it’s not for her. “No.”


“No. I refuse to accept that. That’s not how any of this is going to happen.” She flops back on the sofa and tucks her head against my shoulder once more, as if she’s settled the matter.

Hot tears stream silently down my cheeks. It’s just like my sister to say something isn’t the way it is and move on.

Soon enough, Mari’s even breathing and Rook’s quiet snores lull me into a thoughtlessness that brings about drunken slumber.

And I’m grateful for the relief from my thoughts.

When I wake a few hours later, Mari is gone and Rook isn’t on the sofa next to me anymore. I hear him in the kitchen, though, and pad lightly to meet him there.

“Oh, hey, sleepyhead. Want a sandwich?”

I nod and my stomach co-signs the sentiment with a comically loud grumble. But that reminds me…

Drago, you busy?

His reply is immediate.I’m never too busy for you, sweet Omega.

His words send a web of warm tingles through my body.Sweet words will get you everywhere with me.

Good to know. What’s going on?

I’m curious about why we both weren’t ravenous and depleted after our claiming . That’s what happened with Rafe and me, at least.

I can nearly feel him pondering the question in his mind.You and I are much stronger than Rafe and the Willa of just a few months ago. We could make the link with our own storehouse of magic without depleting them.

Well, yeah, that mostly tracked. Drago is significantly more powerful than Rafe.Me? I’m more powerful than I was?

Drago laughs in my mind.What else would you call pulling dominance out of thin air and partially shifting when your mates are in trouble?

OK, that’s a fair point.

Do you know why any of that is happening?

It’s the first time I’ve really thought about that question. There’s enough going on in my life for me to easily push that strange quirk to the back of my mind.

I asked around the Kootenay packs, but no one had anything concrete. Just myth and legend.

Well, what are the myths?

Drago hesitates for a moment, something he hardly ever does.The myths aren’t applicable to you, Willa.

They aren’t? Why?

Another hesitation.Willa, you’re not native. Our legends don’t apply to you.

Fair enough. I move ahead with facts.The Wendigo doesn’t seem to care about killing colonizers.
