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“Huh. Well, who knew? I wasn’t sure she liked us all that much,” I murmur to myself as I send her the thank you text instead.

I burrow into the lux cushions, rubbing myself all over it to get the new couch smell out.

“Don’t get too comfy, Omega. There’s another surprise in the bedroom.” Jonah winks at me.

“Are you trying to get me into bed with you?” I ask. “‘Cause it’s probably gonna work.”

The sheepish grin Jonah gives me is enough to melt my pants off right there. “Well, I’ll never say no to that. But thereisanother surprise waiting for you there.”

I bounce off the couch and run to the back of the house to the largest room with an ensuite bathroom.

“Ohmygod!” I can hardly believe my eyes.

Sitting in the middle of the room, again taking up most of it, is the largest bed I’ve ever seen.

Bigger than a king, it’s got at least twenty pillows lined up across the headboard.

I flop onto it, pulling the thick duvet over with me as I roll myself into a burrito across the bed.

“This is the best day ever!”

I lock eyes with Rafe in the doorway, and he grins at me. “I’m glad you think so. Jonah and I about killed each other putting the couch and bed frame together.”

“Hey, it’s not my fault you can’t read directions.” He flashes me a quick smile before turning his attention fully on Rafe. “So, do you think she’d be game?”

“Game?” I poke my head out from the duvet burrito.

Rafe shrugs. “I don’t know. She seems pretty set on lounging. We probably shouldn’t disturb her.”

It’s almost believable. Almost. But I know an attempt at reverse psychology when I see it.

I double down. “Yeah. This is going to make the best nest. You’d better let me have all day, maybe even the night, to mark it with my scent.”

Both men freeze in place.

“Oh my god, I’m kidding, you big dummies. Get over here.” I unroll myself and invite them onto the new bed with me. “We gotta christen this thing, right?”



Sunlight streams into the room,flooding the duvet in golden end-of-summer light as Jonah and Rafe dive bomb the bed.

I yelp as they land on either side of me and tear me fully out of the blanket burrito.

Rafe takes my clothes off first, beginning with my socks. But to my surprise, he doesn’t move on to unbuttoning my pants. Instead, he puts my feet in his lap and works the tension out of my soles.

I don’t think I’ve ever had a foot rub before, and I’m a sighing mass of putty on the bed in moments.

Not to be outdone, Jonah slides in under my shoulders, resting my head in his lap and uses the pads of his fingers to rub my scalp.

I’m moaning in seconds, and again, I don’t think I’ve ever had a head massage either.

When I start to drool, I speak up. “As good as this feels, and it feels amazing,” I slur. “It’s headed in the wrong direction.”

Both men freeze, not sure what I’m getting at.

“You two are about to put me to sleep.”
