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I can’t stand seeing one of us suffer like this.

Where had they even gotten chains like this? They outlawed silver on our mountain generations before my father was born.

Drago sits in a simple wooden chair in the center of the meeting hall, shirtless, with a single chain over his pecs, wrapping around his wrists and smoking beneath the hem of his pants around his ankles.

Seeing him like that…

I’m so sorry, Drago. I never wanted this.I whisper in his mind.

His dark brown gaze bores into mine.Nor did I, beloved. But I won’t have that monster breaking free and threatening you again.

I try to go to him, but Rafe holds me in place.

“There has to be another way,” I whimper from behind Rafe’s arm.

“Get out of our feelings, Omega. I chose this. Don’t dishonor it by making it about you.”

Drago’s gaze shimmers before the hint of steel rimming the edges is enveloped in deep brown. “I’m sorry. That wasn’t me. I’m doing my best to keep him subdued, but it is difficult.”

Emilia, who had been watching from the sidelines behind Rook and Jonah, marches forward. “Let him free, Drago. I can see him better when you’re not suppressing him.”

Drago’s eyes bulge at the prospect. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, tiny witch.”

She purses her lips at him. “It’s Emilia, and I might be small, but I’m made of power. Magic fills my cells, the spaces between, my very bones. So I suggest you quit thinking about how small the vessel is and start focusing on what it’s holding.”

“I know you’re powerful, Emilia. I’m not saying otherwise. What I am saying is that allowing it control isn’t wise. I’m always fighting him. Even when he took control before, I still fought him from the depths of my mind. I threw everything I could at him, and he could still cause so much harm. I shudder to think what he could do if I stopped fighting.”

Emilia nods, standing between his knees to stare him in the eyes. “And I’m saying, whatever happens, I can handle it. I’ve got this, big guy.”

Drago takes in a full breath despite the movement making the chain settle deeper. Thin plumes of smoke rise from the gorge in his flesh, but his brown gaze doesn’t leave Emilia’s. “Alright.”

I’m sure there’s some metaphor in here about the lion and the lamb or David taking down Goliath or a “size doesn’t matter if you believe” parable, but I’m too worried about my Alpha Killer to lay it out for you.

“Are you ready?” Emilia asks.

Drago nods, and Rook takes his place behind him.

“This is gonna suck, buddy,” he whispers, and puts a bit of leather between my mate’s teeth.

My heart is about to pound out of my chest. I can’t do this.

I can’t watch Emilia do whatever she’s going to do. I can’t stand seeing him like this.

I twist out of Rafe’s grasp and run out of the meeting house.

Away from my mate being tortured.

Away from the unsettled feeling Drago’s voice gives me when the revenant speaks through him.

Away from the catastrophe waiting to happen when this doesn’t work.

I run just far enough to not hear what’s going on and lean against a tree trunk.

Do you want company?Jonah’s voice filters into my mind, and my body relaxes almost instantly. Because it’s not just his voice in my head, his calm, collected sigma energy floats in as well.

I roll my neck and shoulders, relaxing further into his grounded and even energy.

Jonah’s essence feels like safety and comfort.
