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I did not expect instant and searing pain.

It’s so abrupt, so intense, it steals the wind from my lungs.

My mouth falls open, but I can’t scream. My fingers erupt into claws as the otherworldly, cell-burning fire consumes me from the inside out.

I can’t.

I can’t do this.

This is so much worse than anything I’ve ever had to endure as a healer or omega.

It’s worse than a rebound heat.

Even Mari’s burns from when she took the healer mantle are no comparison to this.

Without thinking, I send a prayer up to the Great Wolf, asking him to kill me now, because there’s no way I can survive this.


Willa!Stay focused on me. On your Sigma, baby. Just stay focused right here.

Nothing. Not a single indication that she can hear me.

Willa! Breathe! You have to breathe through it, Omega!

The instant Emilia started, I knew….

I knew this was too much for Willa.

I can hardly bear to see her like this, so tortured, mouth open in a silent scream.

Rafe! Fucking do something! Order her to breathe!

Willa! Omega, breathe!Rafe’s order crashes into me, and I hold on to the hope that it hit Willa just as hard.

Beloved! You must breathe through the pain. It is the only way I survived taking the alpha power so many times.

Still she sits there, mouth agape, eyes horrified, as the witches do their terrible magic.

“Stop! Stop! You have to stop!”

Rook grabs me as I head for his sister, intent on knocking her out of her magic-trance to save my mate. He wraps his arms around me. “You can’t interfere, Jo. You must let this run its course.”

“No! I won’t see them hurt her like this. I can’t take it!” I struggle to break free, but Rook holds me even tighter.

“If they stop the casting midway, they’ll hurt her even more. Get a hold of yourself.”

But Willa still hasn’t drawn a single breath.

“Please! Witches, you’re killing her! You have to stop!”

I knew it would be bad, but I wasn’t expecting this. How could anyone expect this?


It’s not supposedto be this terrible.

I don’t know how I know, but I know it.
