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Jonah… Jo finally pulls himself together, and I release him, only to find Belle staring me down from the other side of the circle.

The corner of her mouth lifts in a disgusting smile, and I fight the urge to vomit.

The moment Belle sees she has my attention, she lasers in on Willa’s back, and my beautiful, soft omega’s face goes from twisted in pain to abject agony.


I finally understand,and she’s right. Willa’s been right the whole time.

Dying is the easy part.

Seeing her like this, knowing at any moment these witches might do something catastrophic and end my beloved’s life…

I understand why she doesn’t want to unmake our bond.

If she makes it through this, I won’t say another word in opposition.

Willa, please, my love, you must breathe through the pain.


I’ve never fully commandedWilla. Never used all of my alpha dominance on her. Not even in Laurel Cove. I’ve never needed to, and honestly, I’ve always been afraid of what would happen if I did. That kind of power rolling through a receptive omega—

I never wanted to strip her of her will fully.

But I don’t think I have a choice.

Behind the pack buzz in my head, behind the new pack link my mate opened within us all, sits the root of my power.

The well of dominance I’ve never dared to touch the bottom of before.

I draw in a deep breath and dive into the well within, soaking myself in the waters of dominance.

Willa. You. Must. Breathe. Now.

The entire room stills as a hammer of power smacks every remaining wolf, regardless of designation, to their knees. Some sink so low their foreheads press against the floor.

I don’t care.

I will do everything in my power to save Willa.


All the wolves,even fucking Drago, drop to the floor, but I only notice it peripherally. Belle also notices, and the power-hungry witch can’t help but grin fully, enjoying every moment of chaos she causes.

Only Rafe, the East Coast supes, and me are left standing around the circle of witches.

And that’s a very good thing.

Because if I were on my knees, I couldn’t do this.

Celestial magic is a funny thing. A powerful thing.

It means I can create rifts in time and space.

Think wormholes and sci-fi stuff, and you’ll be close.

The second my skin prickles with magic, I open a rift, and suddenly, I’m not staring at Belle but at her back.
