Page 17 of Exposed

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“Fuck that! I want some red meat, what about a good steak or a giant burger?” King throws back, practically drooling.

Marcela chimes in with, “You’re both gross. What the hell is goat cheese and pear pizza? Yuck! And why are you such a damn barbarian, King? ‘Grrr,me want red meat!’You might as well pound on your chest while saying that if you ask me. I could definitely go for some fresh sushi, though.”

I slap my hand to my forehead while rolling my eyes.Why can’t anyone fucking agree on anything tonight!

Like clockwork, Nat gives her two cents and requests a Cobb salad. They all go into a tailspin, arguing why their meal choice is the best option tonight. Being the leader I am, I cut them all off, saying, “We’re ordering Mexican… If you want it, order, if you don’t, then starve. I don’t give a fuck. Tonight has been too long, and I want to fucking eat now, not in twenty years when you all finally agree on something.”

Soon after the food arrives, King takes a plate up to Alexie in his room. Then we all sit back down at the same table and eat, mostly in silence. I think we’re all in shock about everything that’s going on, and the tension is still pretty thick in the room, so we finish up pretty quickly.

“Well, as titillating as you are all to hang out with tonight. I’m going to call it a night and head back home. You should all really catch up on some rest. I think we are all a little sleep-deprived. See you all bright and early so we can start working out the logistics of this auction and finding out who our mole is.” I walk over to Nat, leaning down to whisper in her ear and say, “You’re still in trouble, Little Fox, and I can’t wait to punish you.” I kiss her temple before leaving.

As I arrive at my building, my head is reeling from the overload of information we received tonight. I kick off my boots and plop down on my couch, sitting in silence, just trying to categorize my thoughts.

Sitting at the table with the entire team and Volkov listening to my Little Fox tell her side of things was eye-opening. Now, I understand why she did what she did, but how could she pull one over on me like that? I’m trained to detect deception and lead this team, but I had no clue. I feel like I let our team down, and it’s tearing me up inside. How are they supposed to trust me and have faith in me as a leader if I can’t even keep our own team out of trouble? It’s not even just that my Little Fox is, or was deceiving us, we have an inside mole somewhere too. They weaseled in right under my nose.How could I let this all happen?

Looking back on our time together, all the things she told us were true. But now that I know the full story, I realize that they were only half-truths. She was trying to connect with us honestly and in an authentic way while still keeping her distance. Really, I’m floored by how much of a fucking pro she is. It’s an immense turn-on knowing she has all the skills she does.As if I didn’t think it before, but now, she really is the ultimate package. I can’t help but want her even more now, even with the lying.

Snap yourself out of the lust cloud, man!She said she wanted to leave as soon as the team was threatened, but she couldn’t because of how strong her feelings were for us. I wonder if that means for everyone or just Conrad and me. She definitely got her hooks in us deep, she is a feisty little thing, and I know that is part of the reason I was instantly attracted to her. Her attitude matches that fiery red hair of hers.I wonder if we can pick things back up where we left off, now that I know she really had no ill intentions toward the team?She was doing everything out of love for Alexie, and well…for love for us, if you think about it. Is she going to go back to just being Alexie’s, or is she willing to pick things back up with me? I’m not ready to give up on that sassy-ass redhead. She is addictive, and I want to savor every chance I’m granted with her fine ass.

Now that I have decided I want to keep her in my life, if she will have me, I need to get some rest. But first, I need a nice long shower to cleanse myself of the wild-ass day we just had.

Stepping into the bathroom, I turn on the exhaust fan and listen to the soothing hum it gives off. Starting the water and taking a few deep breaths, I relax, listening to the waterfall shower head and fan hum together. Then I strip down and get into the shower, lathering up my body and hair. The entire time, I can’t think of anything else besides my Little Fox, and I refrain from doing anything about the massive erection the thoughts of her have caused. I finish up in the bathroom before making my way into my room butt-ass naked in search of some clean boxer briefs.

Chuckling to myself, I think of how many times the people in the neighboring buildings have seen me naked through the floor-to-ceiling windows surrounding my entire apartment. I have no shame and walk around nude daily. My apartment takes up one entire floor of my building, and I have windows encasing the entire thing on all four sides, giving me a breathtaking view of Chicago. I only have a few walls closing in my bathroom and framing out my bedroom. Otherwise, it’s a totally open-concept floor plan. I can see everything in the city; beautiful buildings, Navy pier, Lake Michigan, and all the hustle and bustle that makes this city what it is. I stand in my room, looking out the window, appreciating the views for a moment before laying down.Thank God. Thank God for the Elite, for giving me my chosen family, for the money to pay for this expensive-ass place, and for even giving me my Little Fox.The luxurious black satin of my sheets sends me straight into dreamland.

My doorbell buzzes, and I stroll over to the speaker next to my elevator door. “Yeeees?”

“Good Evening, Mr. Stryker, Sir,” my building’s doorman answers in a shaky tone, “I am so sorry to bother you, but someone has just come in requesting to see you, she–”

I cut him off, “She?”

He continues on quickly. “Yes, Sir, She…she’s an exquisite redhead woman by the name of Miss Natalie Kash, Sir. May I send her up?”

A shit-eating grin spreads across my face, and I don’t give him my answer right away, giving her a minute to contemplate whether or not I’m going to tell him yes or no. “Sure, I suppose you can go ahead and send her up,” I try to sound as uninterested as possible when inside, I am burning to see her.

The elevator dings at a rhythmic pace as it passes floor after floor on its way up to me, basically at the top of the entire building. I wait for it to open up in front of me while I stand, leaning against the entryway in just a pair of light gray sweatpants.The doors slowly separate, and my Little Fox is standing there in a tight black dress that is cut down low enough that I can almost see her belly button. The sides are completely open, so I can see the round sides of her large, perky tits. She stands a little taller in a pair of matching black heels with blood-red bottoms. She is looking at me with pure lust burning in her eyes, her eyes saying she is here to play. That look makes my dick instantly stand at attention, and since I am only wearing sweatpants, you can see the long, thick outline of my shaft. She looks down, noticing it, and raises one eyebrow. She makes her way toward me, letting the elevator door close behind her.

She stops right beside me, touching her lips to my earlobe, and whispers, “I can tell you’re happy to see me.” At the same time, she reaches down to stroke the outline of my length. My nipples harden at her touch, and I let out a small moan. I’m not wasting any fucking time. I know what she came here for, and I’m going to give it all to her.

“Let me show you just how happy I am,” I whisper back, weaving my fingers into her long locks and gripping the back of her head. I yank at her roots, tilting her head back, so I can lick a trail up the side of her neck before following that damp line with kisses.

I lift her up by her thighs, spreading her legs to wrap around me. Both of her red-bottom heels fall onto the floor. I leave them in the entryway and carry her toward my kitchen island. Putting her ass right on the edge of the marble counter, I push her back to lay flat, legs hanging over the side. I push up her short dress, rip her panties off her, and toss them over my shoulder. Gently, I place one foot at a time up onto the edge of the counter, so her knees are bent and she is fully exposed to me. I growl at the sight of her. She is already drenched for me, and that alone gives me great pleasure. “Don’t fucking move, Little Fox.”

I lean over and trace her crease with my tongue. She shivers at the soft touch, releasing a few moans, but that’s not good enough for me. I go to town, licking and twirling my tongue all over her lips along with that sensitive bundle of nerves, and she reels for me. I take my left hand and slide two fingers into her sex, pumping them in and out, slowly increasing my pace while still licking and sucking at her. With my right hand, I trail up her body to pull the top of her dress down, letting her tits bounce free; I play with nipples that could cut diamonds. In no time, she is screaming in pleasure, causing me to grin against her. Not letting her off that easy, I keep going until she has cum for me at least two times and is begging me to fuck her.

“Stryker, please! I want you inside of me…NOW!” she hollers at me.“Tisk, Tisk, Tisk. Little Fox, who is the boss here? It certainly isn’t you. So I will fuck you when I am good and ready.”

I scoop her back up and move her across the open space to the large sectional in my living room. As I walk, I glance out the window to see a man staring at us from the building across from mine a few floors lower. I wink at him, causing him to blush, embarrassed by the fact that he was caught, and he scurries away somewhere into his apartment.

Gently, laying her down, I tug her dress the rest of the way off. For a moment, I just stare at her naked body, contrasting against the dark gray fabric of my couch. She gazes up at me, biting her lower lip.

I climb onto her, using my arms to keep my weight off her, and kiss her. She instantly claims my lips back, kissing me so deeply it’s like she is trying to consume my soul by dragging it out of my mouth. I decided then I must have her because the pressure building in my cock is about to blow. Reaching down, I pull my sweats off using one hand, careful not to flatten her. I align my dick with her opening and slam into her wet, greedy pussy. It sucks me right in like it has been waiting for this very moment. With that one move, she screams out in ecstasy again. Continuing to pump myself into her, I feel myself getting very close to an end, so I lean back up and pull out. I quickly flip her around, shifting her onto all fours. I enter her again, and she moans at this angle change. I reach around to circle her bundle of nerves with my hand while thrusting in and out of her. At the same time, we reach our final climax.

At that very moment, when I finish in my dream, I wake up in real life. My satin sheets are wet, and my dick is still hard. I know exactly what happened, and I feel like a prepubescent boy in middle school, having a wet dream again.Fuck.

Now that there is no going back to sleep for me in this wet-ass bed, I should head into the office to check in with Ingram since he knows nothing about the recent findings and Alexie. But first, I need to jump into the shower to rinse my release off of myself, change into fresh boxers, and get dressed.

The early morning walking traffic is already busy outside of the office. I park in the parking garage below and plan on walking around the corner for some coffee quickly, but now I’m second-guessing that decision. But, since I’ve already committed this far, I go get my coffee anyway before returning to the building and heading upstairs to check in with Ingram. It’s a ghost town in the office. Our floor is so quiet with all the team staying at the safe house and Marcela and BJ on their way there to wait for me.
