Page 28 of Exposed

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“OMG, you are so right. He was totally coming on to me. I was so nervous and actually kinda scared, especially after some asshole in the elevator told me I was on the wrong floor, and the office assistant training was elsewhere,” Nat retorts, and we all notice her smugly grinning at King. Then BJ and Alexie both let out an audible chuckle.

“What’s so funny?” King questions.

“Well, it’s funny that you thinkMalyshkacould be an office lady. She could kill all of you in at least three different ways before any of you even blinked, if she wanted to, Prince-y,” Alexie replies.

“Okay, that’s fucking hot,” BJ swoons. King just rolls his eyes in response. Alexie blows BJ a kiss with an added wink. She catches it, placing it in her pocket with a little pat. That little act gets King even more riled up, and he growls.

Marcela is just slack-jawed, taking in this whole interaction.

Alexie speaks up again, saying, “I do agree with, Prince-y. I will kill that Ingram-little-bitch for trying to touchMalyshkaand for making her uneasy her first day. Maybe it can be a little bonding experience for us, what do you say, Prince-y?”

“I’m not totally opposed to that plan, maybe we could go tonight,” King replies.

“Do you want to take it from here, now, boss? So we can make an official plan,” I direct my comment toward Stryker.

“I do agree we need to take this son of a bitch down, but he’s clearly smarter than he seems since he’s been pulling the wool over all of our eyes for so long now. We can’t just go in there with guns a-blazing, we need a well-thought-out plan to catch him. We need to make sure we have every possible outcome covered. Let me think here...” Stryker trails off as he stands and starts pacing back and forth along his side of the table.

“I think we can utilize Nat here and the fact that he doesn’t know we suspect anything about him yet. Nat, can you call Ingram? Tell him you’ve found Alexie Volkov and you want to meet up with him somewhere. He’ll think you are trying to build trust with him. We’ll set him up and take him down at the meet-up. We will have the place bugged to record his deceit, so he can’t lie his way out of it, and we can all be there to hear him firsthand. Talk to him about your real past and tell him you know everything. Hopefully, that will get him to spill the beans on EVERYTHING he knows and is involved in. Plus, we’ll have it recorded for proof, and we can take him down once and for all,” Stryker spits his plan all out like word vomit at us while pacing. It was more like he was thinking out loud rather than actually telling us an official plan.

It all made sense, what he was saying, and using Nat’s past is a good tool to get the goods out of Ingram. We’re all in agreement, this is the plan to get his ass.


Thisplanisamust, and we have to execute it perfectly because I can’t chance Nat’s safety. All this new information just proves we have no idea who Ingram is or what he’s capable of. Our girl’s safety comes first in all our eyes. And when I say our girl, I mean the whole team, not just us men.

I go to the buffet table along the wall in the dining room and grab a burner phone out from my stash and hand it over to Nat. Conrad rattles off Ingram’s number for her to save in the phone as a contact.

“Are you ready to do this, Little Fox?” I ask Nat gently, and place my hand on her leg, giving it a squeeze and trying to reassure her we have her back covered.

She grins wide. “Let’s do this, it’s what I was trained for.” Glancing over, I see Alexie beaming with pride at her response. Something about them makes me smile too.Fuck me, am I getting soft?

We all take a deep breath as she presses call on the phone. She puts it on speaker, and we all quietly listen in.Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring…I start to get anxious. We built this whole phone call and interaction up, and he isn’t even going to answer the call, but right then, we hear Ingram’s gravelly voice answer with, “Ingram.”

“Hey, it’s Agent Kash. I can’t get a hold of anyone else on the team, and since you’re the real leader around here, -not that arrogant ass, Stryker- I figured I would reach out to you. I hope that’s okay, I have some big news. Can we meet up?” Nat rattles off like it’s no big deal. Then blows a kiss at me to reassure me she didn’t mean her comment.

Damn, she’s a natural. We need to utilize her undercover sometime.

Ingram replies with, “Kash, it’s nice to hear from you. I’m glad you know who the real man is when it comes to The Elite. But what is this news you can’t just tell me over the phone?”

“Well, I found Alexie Volkov…the heir of the Volkov Bratva himself,” she tells him smugly.

There’s silence for a few moments. I’m sure he’s shitting himself on the other end of the phone at the realization. Our own little Nat has actually found someone that might be able to link him to all of his bullshit lies.

Ingram fake coughs to clear his throat like he has a tickle or something. “Nice work, Agent Kash. I’m so proud of your hard work and persistence, but I’ve told the team that you are off that case. There is no need to make contact with any part of the Bratva, for safety reasons.” He sighs deeply. “You’re right, I think we should meet. I can talk to you about it all since your leader, Agent Stryker, has failed to do so.”At first, his voice came out cracking, but as he gained composure it smoothed out.

“Yes, I’m willing to do whatever is needed of me, Agent Ingram. Just tell me when and where, and I’ll be there,” Nat says, sounding like a woman eager to please. I’m sure Ingram is getting off on that fact right now.

“Good girl, Kash! Meet me at The Glory Hole, tomorrow at ten a.m.” He quickly disconnects the call before she can reply.

We all sigh now that the call is over. Nat looks around the room at all of us and blurts out, “What the fuck is The Glory Hole?!” We all start to laugh in unison except Alexie and Nat.

“Well, my little Chicago transplant, it’s a delicious little donut shop that was started by a minister and his wife after he retired from the clergy. It is sooooo yummy, and they make the best combinations of donut flavors and toppings. The best part is his cute little wife and him are so wholesome and naive, they don’t even realize the double meaning in the name of their shop,” BJ explains to the room.

“Perfection,” Alexie adds with a wicked laugh. “Now let’s go finalize the plan since we have no choice in the location to take this mole down. Unless you just want me to go in alone and kill him?” Alexie states flippantly while looking around at all of us.“What, no?”

I just roll my eyes at how violent he is. We go into depth discussing our plans a bit more for the morning. We decided that Nat and the team will all go to the meeting. The team however will get there extra early to make sure there isn’t any funny shit happening. They will set up the cafe and situate themselves, so they are all hidden behind the scenes. Ingram will have no idea Nat isn’t alone. BJ knows the owners and will talk them into helping us. Alexie will stay put here at the safehouse until he gets word from us.

We sure are placing a lot of trust into the Russian hot-head, hoping he keeps his ass put here, but I don’t think he’ll go anywhere without Nat.
